Meeting Madeline

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TW// Suicide and mentions of gun violence

Drista and Lani stayed in their dorm, the door locked. They could hear people talking and freaking out, and eventually the lockdown alarm was going off. Lani would of been freaking out more, had she not just taken her medication. It was a good thing she was calm, because her roommate was not.

Drista sat on her bed, holding her hands over her ears. "This is why we need to carry things for self-defense!"

"Well I highly doubt your knife is going to help against a gun attack." Lani whispered and made her way over to Drista's bed. "Just stay quiet for now, okay?"

Drista looked up at Lani. She expected Lani to be losing her mind, instead she was the calm one in this situation. Drista pulled up her phone and stared at the screen.

Lani looked over Drista's shoulder. If they could potentially die, there was no harm in being nosy. "Are you texting your parents?"

"They died, Lani." Drista huffed.

"Oh...your guardian then?"

Drista shook her head and put her phone back down. She realized in that moment that she had no one to say goodbye to. Not even Karl earned a goodbye from her.

"Oh..." Lani walked quietly to her side of the room. She could feel panic deep within, but couldn't express it. Quickly, Lani sent a group text to her family. Incase things were really about to end. When she was done, she looked back up at Drista. Who was trembling with her arms wrapped tightly around her torso. "I know this doesn't really help, but suicide is really common here...there's usually one incident a semester."

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Drista said through tears.

"Morbid, innit?" Lani looked out the window beside her bed. There was one police car, and an ambulance. "There's only one cop, they would of sent more for a mass shooting..."

Drista got up and looked out the window with Lani. "O-oh...okay, so we're not going to die?"

"No, but unfortunately that probably means someone killed themselves..." Lani put her hand on Drista's shoulder.

Drista brushed her hand off gently. "Why is that so unfortunate, aren't you suicidal?"

"Drista..." Lani despised the question.

"Well, aren't you? I'm just saying, why would you care? Aren't you jealous?" Drista wondered curiously.

Lani didn't know how to respond so she just huffed in Drista's face.

"Sorry? I just assumed suicidal people like suicide." Drista walked back over to her bed.

Lani groaned, "I don't want to die, Drista. I just don't want to live this life in particular. There's a difference. Plus, I don't encourage suicide. Do you think I'm bloody insane?"

"If you don't encourage suicide, why would you try it yourself? Seems weird." Drista definitely came off as ignorant, but she was genuinely curious and fear was clouding her common sense.

"You just wouldn't understand...I like trying. It gives me satisfaction knowing I at least tried to take myself out. Although I always end up panicking and begging for people to save me." Lani crawled into bed now that she knew she wasn't going to be a victim of gun violence.

Drista cleared her throat. "Oh..." She went silent for a moment. "Are you sure it's safe to go to bed?"

"Certain, I've been here long enough to detect a real threat. I promise, we're okay." As Lani said that, an announcement came over the speakers. Letting everyone know to stay in their rooms, because there had been an incident. "See, may XD rest their soul."

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