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TW// Mentions of suicide, graphic violence.

Drista woke in her old room, surrounded by the smell of fresh cinnamon waffles. She felt calm despite knowing from the start this wasn't real. It couldn't be, she could hear Dream humming in the kitchen. She got up and slowly walked to the door. She was afraid of really waking herself up. The humming stopped when the door creaked open.

"Drista?" Dream started walking into the hall. "Morning, do you want anything besides waffles?"

Drista shook her head timidly. This is the first time that her delusions took her back to a happy memory.

"You feeling okay?" Dream placed his hand over her forehead, she must of looked sick. "I heard the flu is going around." Dream put his hands on his hips and sighed. "Do you want to stay home?"

"Mhm..." Drista nodded. He looked so real, Drista couldn't handle it.

"Go back to bed, I'll bring the waffles in." Dream went back into the kitchen.

Drista made her way back to her bed. She wanted to experience this for as long as she could, before Lani's musical alarm woke her up for real.

Drista laid back in her bed, it felt so comfortable. It felt like the mattress was made of clouds and the blanket was stitched with love in it's purest form. She closed her eyes, but tried to stay awake. If she fell asleep in her dream, maybe she'd wake up back in the real world.

Dream walked into her room and lovingly sat the tray of waffles next to her bed. "Here, want some medicine for your contagious disease?" He wheezed at his own joke.

Drista shook her head and quickly took a bite of a waffle, she could almost taste it. This was the last best memory she had of Dream.

Dream started walking out of the room but he paused when Drista told him to stop. "Yes?"

"Don't go yet..." Drista muttered. "I love you, thanks for raising me."

"I loved you too." Dream said with a smile and walked back to hug her. "Until you killed me."

Drista's real eyes snapped open and she sat up in her real bed in a real full body sweat. She whimpered as the smell of cinnamon faded.

Lani was up, fixing her hair for the day. "Oh, you're up! I was trying to wake you, but you wouldn't get up..."

Drista pulled her blanket up to her face and took a deep breath. "yeah, sorry...I was stuck in a dream."

"You look pretty shaken up. Are you sure it wasn't a nightmare?"

Drista nodded reassuringly. "No, it was definitely a dream...are you attending classes today?"

"Yeah...I really don't want to, but I figured I should. I'm falling behind in a couple, and my parents won't be happy if I don't improve." Lani finished styling her hair in a half-neat, half-messy bun. "Does this look stupid?"

"Your face? Always." Drista replied sarcastically and peeled herself out of the bed. "Did I do anything weird in my sleep last night? Like, get out of my bed?"

Lani pouted at the insult but managed to bury it in the back of her mind. "No, not that I know of. You did mumbled a little bit before you passed out, but that's all."

"Oh, back is aching. I thought maybe it was from me doing weird shit in my sleep." Drista went to get her uniform. She might as well attend classes too. She needed to at least pretend she was getting better.

"Maybe it's from carrying that bitchy attitude all the time." Lani threw back an insult to impress Drista.

Drista turned with her uniform in her arms and gave a look of approval. "I'm rubbing off on you."

"Your spreading like a contagious disease." Lani giggled.

Drista remembered Dream, but couldn't quite remember why she was so upset. "Come on Mary Poppins, we are going to be late as it is."


Everything went fine until lunch, when Lani found herself being harassed by Quinn again. Lani was at a table by herself when Quinn walked up and pushed her tray of food off the table. "Oops" was all she had to say before sitting down.

"What was that for?!" Lani whined.

"It was an accident." Quinn lied and folded her arms. "Don't be so sensitive, damn."

Lani huffed and stood up from the table. She started walking away. "what, are you going to go kill yourself now?" Quinn called from behind her. Fortunately Drista was on her way to the table and heard that.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Drista put her tray down and dragged Quinn up from the table by her hair.

"Get your hands off me, you psycho bitch!" Quinn tackled Drista and it didn't take much effort for the situation to turn into a brutal bloodthirsty battle. They were throwing punches, pulling hair, at one point Drista's hands were around Quinn's neck. She backed out from finishing the job.

Lani ran to get the headmaster, or really any adult. She didn't want anyone to get killed, it was too late to not want anyone to get hurt. She bumped into Mr. Philza first. "Mr. Philza! Drista and Quinn are fighting in the cafeteria, it's bad!"

The headmaster followed Lani back to the cafeteria. He easily followed the screams to the two fighting girls. He watched in horror as they continued to attack each other like rabid dogs. He was trying to get ahold on one of them to restrain, but he couldn't. "STOP-" He watched as Drista overpowered Quinn and pinned her against a table. Drista had her bent back so aggressively, that Phil was afraid she'd physically snap.

Drista grabbed the nearest sharp object she could. Which happened to be a fork she pulled out of another girl's hand. She plunged the fork into Quinn's left eye. Showing no remorse as Quinn screamed and writhed in pain.

The other students got up and started running out of cafeteria in a panic. It wasn't long before the lockdown alarms were sounding.

The only ones that stayed behind to help the situation was the headmaster, and Lani.

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