Nightmare Fuel

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Panic Attack

"I think you've finally done it, you've ruined any patience I had for you." Karl walked back and fourth the living room with his arms crossed. Disappointed was an understatement. "Sneaking out to drink with a bunch of rowdy teens? That's a new low, Drista."

Drista rolled her eyes so dramatically it was a miracle they didn't roll into the back of her head. "It's not a new low, just got caught this time..." She leaned back onto the couch, a little regretful deep down.

Karl gasped and looked at her. "How many times have you snuck out to go to these trashy parties?"

Drista just shrugged and watched as Karl fumed with anger. She didn't really care what happened to her. Even if he took everything from her, she could still runaway as a last resort.

"Why?! Do you think you're cool?" Karl got closer to Drista and looked down at her. "Because all this rebellious stuff does not make you cool. You're ruining your life."

"My life is already ruined, I'm just fucking around until I'm dead." Drista stood up and pushed past Karl. "I'm going to bed, you can whine more in the morning."

Karl watched Drista take herself upstairs. He wished he knew the right things to say to her. He knew there was potential buried deep in trauma.

Drista crawled into bed, still dressed in her uncomfortable clothing. She wrapped herself up tight, relieved that Karl didn't chase her. When she was alone in the dark, she sobbed. She was a nightmare, and she knew that. Drista hadn't felt in control of herself for two years now.


In the middle of the night Drista woke from her sleep, screaming. She stumbled out of bed and knocked over the lamp while trying to turn it on. Drista crawled off her bed and sat on the floor. She was still screaming, tears running down her face.

Karl heard her first, he wasn't asleep. He frantically nudged his husbands. "Quack, Sap, I think it's happening again."

"Deal with it." Sapnap mumbled in his sleep and rolled over.

"Helpful..." Karl got out of bed and rushed to Drista's room. He flicked on the light and saw the girl trembling on the floor. "Crap!" He got on the floor and put a hand on her back. "It's okay Drista, it's just a nightmare."

Drista shoved Karl's hand away and tried to get up but she couldn't. "I can't breathe!"

"I know, just focus on me. I won't let anything bad happen. I got you." Karl pulled her over and protected her in a hug. "It was a nightmare, nothing happened."

Drista panted and pressed her forehead into Karl's shoulder. "Dream-"

"I know, I'm sorry..." Karl rubbed her back. He hated when she had traumatic nightmares, reliving her brother's death. It always took hours to get her back to normal. Karl wouldn't be resting anytime soon.

"NOO!" Drista gasped and moved away from Karl. She looked around the room before forcing herself up. "I need to save him-!"

"He's not here. That happened two years ago." Karl reminded her gently and took her hand. "Come on, let's take a look in the kitchen. I promise your brother isn't there." Karl walked her downstairs and showed her the kitchen. "See, totally normal. We're safe."

Drista's breathing slowed down when she saw the kitchen empty. Tears ran quiet for awhile, as she stood in Karl's arms.

"Here, sit down." Karl had her sit at the table. Then he began preparing tea and a snack for her. She needed something to distract her from the horrible memories.

Karl sat the tea in front of her. "It's hot, carful." Then Karl brought her some apple slices. He was still holding the knife he used in his hand, cluelessly.

Drista grabbed his wrist and looked at the knife. Her eyes were glossed with fear and laced with anger.

Karl was confused for a second, but realized what was wrong. "Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you..."

Drista took the knife out of Karl's hands and held it close to herself. As if she was arming herself incase an attack happened.

"Nobody is going to hurt us, don't need to do that, give me the knife." Karl attempted to take the knife from her, but that was a mistake.

Sapnap jumped up as he heard Karl scream. "Quack, get your ass up!" He shook the other man, but he was too hungover to care. "Fuck you then..." Sapnap got up and headed downstairs. What he saw first was Karl leaning over the sink. "Babe, what's wrong?" He walked over and rubbed Karl's back.

Karl looked up, heaving anxiously. "She stabbed me." Karl showed his hand to his husband, it was gushing blood.

Sapnap looked around, Drista must of ran. "Jesus Christ, another one of those 'episodes' again?"

"She...she can't help it, she gets confused. She thinks she's back at the murder." Karl defended, while also being terrified of her. "It hurts-"

Sapnap looked into the sink, it was splattered with Karl's blood. "Shit, we need to get you to a hospital. As for her, we're doing what we should of done in the beginning."

"But Sapnap, boarding schools for troubled youth are always so...strict and cold." Karl pouted while still pouring blood.

"Are you insane? She crossed the line awhile ago, we're calling them tomorrow. She's past fixing." Sapnap pulled Karl away from the sink. "I'll wrap your hand in a towel I guess, try not to bleed on the carpet."

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