I May Be Losing My Mind

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"I can assure you, she's not crazy. She's just a normal teenager with a traumatizing past." Karl said while sitting in front of the headmaster.

"I didn't say she was crazy, I said she was struggling to comprehend reality." Mr. Philza explained and cleared his throat. "I'm concerned, that's all. The violent outburst can't be tolerated. We need her to see a professional for that alone. We'd also like if they looked into her hallucinations. Does she hallucinate at home?"

Karl chewed on his lip. "Well, I don't know? I guess, technically...she does imagine she's back with her brother sometimes."

"Her file says she had an incident with her brother that caused severe trauma. Can you clarify any details? I'd like to have a better understanding." Mr. Philza wanted to help her, which meant he needed to find the cause of her pain.

"Well, see...her brother was murdered. She was in the house at the time and witnessed him dying. I...can't go into the full story because it's hard to talk about." Karl shuddered at the thought of finding a loved one dead.

The headmaster widened his eyes, and suddenly understood why Drista had an attitude. After enduring that you might be entitled to treat the world like a threat. "I didn't know it was like that...I'm sorry, that's awful."

"We're managing...but they never did find his killer. Drista tried to give a good description but she only seen him leave." Karl tapped the arm of the chair. The wedding ring on his finger made a satisfying clink.

"She must be terrified...no answers? I couldn't imagine it..." Mr. Philza wanted to know more but figured further questioning would be too invasive. "I would like Drista to do three weeks of therapy sessions. Mondays and Fridays. If you sign a paper saying you will take her to these sessions, I will let her stay."

"I live like an hour and a half away..." Karl sighed. The further Drista was away from her old house, the better. "Can the appointments be in the evenings?"

"Yes, we can arrange that." Mr. Philza nodded.

"Okay, then I'll take her. Can you just promise me you won't drug her again?" Karl was still upset about that.

"We will try to avoid that. However violence is not something we can accept. Drista is a good kid, I'm sure. You just never know which ones are sick enough to stab or numb enough to kill." Mr. Philza stood up. "I'll work on getting the paperwork. You can go spend some time with her before you go."

"Alright, thanks..." Karl got up and left the office. He texted his husbands to tell them what was going on.


Karl braced for the attitude of Satan herself as he walked into the nurse's office. Although instead of that he got the timid behavior of a squirrel. "Hey Drista, they told me what happened. You feeling okay?"

Drista pulled the sheet over her face and whined, "sorry."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Karl sat on the small, and honestly unstable bed. When he realized it creaking under his weight, he stood back up. It clearly didn't hold the weight of a teenager and a grown man.

Drista pulled the sheet down again. "I want to go home."

"You don't like it here?" Karl frowned. He thought she'd like being away without him pestering her to do better all the time.

"I just want to go home!" Drista cried.

"Well, are you sure? I'd love to have you back, but my husbands might not be fond of-" Karl was swiftly interrupted.

"No, not your home. MY home." Drista clarified.

"Drista honey...that house is empty." Karl sighed.

"Then why can't we move there?"

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