The Beginning Of A Friendship

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TW// Mentions of self harm and suicide

Drista sat outside the nurse's office, chewing on her nails. A couple people passed her, asked for her name. She just said she was new, and waiting for her roommate.

The headmaster walked up and crossed his arms. "Good morning, Drista."

"Morning..." Drista looked down, knowing she was in trouble again.

"How'd you get the knife?" He asked.

"What knife?" Drista acted stupid.

"The knife your roommate had, how'd you get it?" Mr. Philza accused Drista correctly.

"It wasn't mine, she must of got it from someone else." Drista shrugged.

"Unlikely, considering the handle had your name on it..." Mr. Philza had Drista metaphorically backed into a corner.

"...Okay, well how was I supposed to know you put me with a suicidal person?" Drista defended herself.

"This ignorance of yours needs to stop, Drista. How would you feel if your roommate died?" Mr. Philza questioned Drista's empathy.

"A room to myself? Sounds awesome." Drista responded boldly.

"Drista" the headmaster's eyes widened.

"It's not like I would of killed her. She did it to herself." Drista uncrossed her legs and stood up. "I need to go in there now."

"You have to go to breakfast." The headmaster reminded her.

"Headmaster, if I don't take my medication I will probably stab someone at breakfast." Drista held up her phone just as an alarm went off. The alarm was letting her know that it was medication time. "See? Right on time, I need my pills."

"Oh...okay well since you're going in, tell the nurse I need to see him." The headmaster left Drista with a task.

Drista walked in and stood by the door. Waiting for the nurse to come by. She thought it was unprofessional to have one nurse working at a time, but who was she to judge. When the nurse walked by, Drista grabbed him by the arm. "Hello, I need my pills. The name is Drista."

"Ah, okay." The nurse pulled his arm away. "I'm a bit busy, take a seat."

"I sat for twenty minutes outside, I need my pills now." Drista huffed.

"Oh, alright...Drista? I'll be right back." The nurse went and unlocked a small closet. That was where the potentially dangerous things were kept. He came back with a few pills in his hand. "here, take them with water. Don't forget to come back here before bed."

"I know, I know. I've been taking pills since I was thirteen." Drista put all the pills in her mouth and swallowed them without needing water. "The headmaster wants to see you by the way."

"Oh goodness, really?" The nurse groaned. "He knows how busy things get can be so reckless, I see so many sick and hurt kids in a shift that I think it's starting to depress me."

"Great, go cry about it." Drista turned to leave, but then stopped. "Is Lani okay? She's my roommate."

"Yeah, she'll be okay..." The nurse nodded, trying to ignore her rude behavior. "Do you want to see her?"

"I guess..." Drista nodded.

"Follow me." The nurse led Drista through an endless row of curtains. Then he stopped and pulled a curtain back. "Lani, you've got company."

Drista stepped forward and pulled the curtain shut. The nurse got the hint and left. "Hey, I thought you'd be against stealing." Drista walked over and sat on the small plastic chair next to Lani.

Lani rolled over and looked at her roommate. "I thought you would know better than to be rude to someone in a hospital bed."

"We're not in a hospital, so is it really a hospital bed?" Drista crossed her legs. "So, I guess this is your thing? Why your parents sent you away to be 'fixed'."

"Why do you have to sound so mean?" Lani let out a sigh laced with deep torturing emotion. "I can't help it."

"I don't get it, you seem so happy. The cheerful attitude, your side of the room is so bright..." Drista pointed out the reasons why she thought Lani was normal.

"Fake it until you make it, that's what my mom told me..." Lani slowly sat up and pulled her bandaged arms from under the thin blanket. "I don't know how to handle negative emotions...when I get sad, angry...I hurt myself to avoid hurting others."

", what the hell happened last night?" Drista wondered. Although in all honesty she was originally staying there to avoid breakfast.

"I barely remember...I think I started feeling anxious, and I started panicking. I have these pills that I'm supposed to put under my tongue when I panic. I was going to go to the nurse to get one. Then, when I turned on the lights...I noticed your knife. I lost myself." Lani explained through shaky breathing. Then she rubbed her eyes and coughed to clear her throat. "Thanks for coming to see me."

"I just wanted my knife back..." Drista shrugged.

"They took it..." Lani frowned and turned away from Drista. "You really don't intend on making friends, do you?"

"I have friends, I don't intend to replace them." Drista uncrossed her legs and leaned forward. "Sorry for the bitch be honest I was worried about you."

Lani turned back around and smiled. "So, are you willing to be friends?"

"I'm willing to be roommates. I already have friends." Drista clarified.

"Okay..." Lani let Drista win this time. "So, what's your thing? The reason you need to be 'fixed'."

"None of your business..." Drista quickly shut down Lani's question.

"Oh, okay..." Lani understood that not everything could be shared. Especially not this early in a friendship. "You should get to breakfast."

"Not hungry, I never am this early in the morning." Drista told Lani truthfully.

"Oh...well do you want to stay with me until your first class?" Lani asked hopefully.

"I kind of have to take a shower and get ready for the day..." Drista paused and looked at Lani's bandaged arms. "But I guess I have extra time so, I'll stay longer."

Lani smiled and hugged herself subtly. "Thank you, I could use the company..."

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