Looking For An Accomplice

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That night Lani was up thinking, and thinking hard. Normally she would call herself an over thinker, but this situation justified thinking. It made perfect sense that Drista was a murderer. Maybe not by conscious choice, but a murderer nonetheless. Just in time, she got a phone call. It was just the person she wanted to hear from.

"Drista!" Lani was relieved to get a call from Drista, hoping it meant she wasn't actually a murderer.

"What did you say to the police?" Drista asked immediately.

"...I defended your innocence. You are innocent, right?" Lani crossed her fingers, physically.

"I blacked out..." Drista insisted firmly. Her voice didn't sound like hers. It was like her body was an empty shell and some residual energy was the only thing left.

"You ki-lled him." Lani gulped and tried to calm down before her whole body went numb.

"Something like that..." Drista didn't deny that her body killed him, but she was skeptical of who took over. "Do you believe in demons?"

"I s-suppose?" Lani's voice shook with unmeasurable fear.


Lani figured there was something else to this call. Murderers weren't just looking for smalltalk, not after a fresh kill. "What...do you wa–nt from me?"

"I need you to come with me." Drista requested.

"Where?" Lani whined.

"Anywhere but this town. I'm outside the campus." Drista revealed her location.

Shivers went up Lani's spine and down her shoulders. Now she was afraid to refuse, but afraid to comply. "Drista, you...you killed someone."

"But we're best friends." Drista reminded her.

Lani often heard people say they would bury a body for their best friend, apparently that was more common than she thought. "Are you in control?"

"Control?" Drista hissed at the word. "For now..."

"Drista, who's your best friend?" Lani asked, she had a brilliant idea.

"You!" Drista sounded impatient

"And you're not still mad at me for that time I spilt hot chocolate on you?" Lani eagerly anticipated the answer.

"Lani– you never spilt anything on me?" Drista answered, confused.

Lani sighed in relief. That was her way of testing how aware Drista was. "Where do you want me to meet you?"

"By the entrance, hurry up." Drista hung up.

Against all better judgments, Lani dragged her feet all the way to the front entrance. Drista was enticing, like a magnet. Maybe it was because Lani was desperate for friends, maybe Lani felt bad for Drista.
She looked around, not seeing the blonde at first. Then like a mysterious black cat, Drista stepped out from the shadows. She was holding a cigarette between her fingers, breathing smoke into the air.

"Drista...h-hi?" Lani wanted to turn back, but it might be too late for that.

"Hey Mary Poppins, I'm gonna need you to follow me." Drista threw the cigarette remains into a puddle and started walking.

"H-how'd you get here?" Lani followed her, clearly seeing no vehicle in sight.

"Hitchhiking...bit outdated, I know...but I was desperate." Drista continued, not bothering to check if Lani was still following.

"Are you...on the run?" Lani could only assume Drista was avoiding the police.

"Do I look like I'm running?" Drista asked sarcastically and slowed her pace even more. "I'm just looking for an accomplice."

"You mean alibi?" Lani gulped.

"Did I say alibi?" Drista turned back to glare at Lani. "Are you good with your reflexes?"

"I uh...don't know, why–" Lani dodged Drista's hand as she tried to hit her. "Oi, calm down!"

"Not bad..." Drista shrugged. "Keep your guard up, there's more than a couple officers wondering where I am."

"You are on the run!" Lani called her out.

"Keep your voice down!" Drista snapped. "I'm not going to jail for killing worthless people."

"Worthless?!" Lani yelped and stopped walking to evaluate what she got herself into. "People, plural?!"

"You're slow..." Drista scoffed and stopped walking, facing Lani. "Look, it's nothing personal...they were just, in my way."

"In your way?! In the way of what?!" Lani started crying, as her chest rose and fell rapidly. She was having a panic attack.

"In my way of living...Karl constantly tried to control my life. Taking away my things, pushing me to do therapy, forcing me into a boarding school. I want freedom." Drista watched Lani struggle to breath, like a fish out of water. "Calm down, nothing's going to happen to you."

"How do I know?!" Lani cried.

"You're worth living, I like you. I wouldn't kill you." Drista shrugged causally.

"And if you have a murderous episode?!" Lani hadn't forgotten that Drista wasn't in full control.

"Look, I don't know!" Drista snapped, starting to sound a little more vulnerable. "I'm just as scared as you, but dammit I need someone!"

"F-fine..." Lani followed Drista down the road. She had a sinking feeling that this was her life now. Tied to a crazy girl, always on the run. Her parents always told her she was too nice for her own good. That she'd get herself into horrid situations. Here she was, being exactly what her parents didn't want her to be. A doormat for the insane.

The End

I purposely left this off on bit of a cliffhanger. I wanted the opportunity to potentially write another book based off this. In the future though, if I develop the inspiration and motivation for it.

Thanks for reading!

Anyone reading has my permission to write stories based off of this. My only request is that you show me your work, because I'm interested. :D

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