I'm Not Surprised

121 4 11

Shorter chapter because I'm stressed, but I know you understand. <3

The next day Lani was walking to her last class of the day, when the headmaster stopped her.

"I need you to come with me." He told her with a sense of urgency in his tone.

"Uh, okay?" Lani turned around and followed him back to his office. A couple kids giggled as they passed by in the hall. Lani wasn't a bad kid, but it was amusing to think she might be getting a detention.

"What's going on?" Lani asked as she was rushed into the office. A stern police officer extended his hand to her, so she shook it. "o-oh..."

"I'm officer Holland...can I talk to you?" Lani didn't really have a choice, but he had to ask.

Lani looked at the headmaster hesitantly. He gave her a reassuring nod before leaving the room. That's when Lani really started to get worried. Coincidentally Drista was the first thing to come to mind. "What's...what's going on?"

"I'm in charge of investigating a crime scene from last night." The officer started and gestured to the headmaster's desk. "Come on, let's take a seat together."

Lani awkwardly put herself down on the seat. She was sweating profusely already, another disadvantage of having anxiety. "Tell me everything you can."

"First, you tell me what you know." The officer took a seat in Mr. Philza's chair. "Do you know anyone of the name...Drista?"

Lani hated being right. She was still sweating, but her whole body had went cold like all the blood ran to her feet. "Y-yeah...did something happen to Drista?"

The officer adjusted himself in the seat and let out a dad sigh. The kind of sigh your dad does before telling you he's had a hard day, and doesn't want to play catch. "I'm sorry, kid...Drista is the top suspect for a murder that was committed last night...do you know anything? We searched her phone and you were the last phonecall she made, some time after the victim was deceased."

Lani whined and started suffocating in the air around her. She cried because she wasn't even surprised.

"You're not in trouble, we just need answers..." The officer spoke softly to Lani as if she was his own daughter.

"Drista w-would never!" Lani defended through tears.

"Do you know anything?" The officer tried to talk to Lani, but she kept sobbing uncontrollably. The officer decided to take a break and let Lani calm down, before continuing the investigation.


Once Lani calmed down, the investigation was opened for a second attempt.

"What can you tell me?" The officer asked again, he was already taking notes. Noting how Lani went into immediate distress on the first attempt.

"Drista didn't do it."

The officer shrugged. "Okay, do you have any suspects for the murder of Karl Jacobs?"

Lani held her breath and forced herself to make eye contact with the officer. "Yesterday...Drista called me crying because-" Lani hiccuped mid statement, thankfully it gave her an excuse to pause and drink the water the officer had offered her. "Sorry, um..."

"Take your time..." Officer Holland clicked his pen a couple times. "Why'd she call you?"

"She was scared...because Karl's hus- well one of Karl's husbands got really angry, and started fighting with him." Lani lied completely, knowing Drista was guilty.

"One of? It's not legal to marry two people in this country..." The officer took note of that, another thing to look into. "What else can you tell me about this fight?"

"Well...it was brutal sounding...I don't know. Drista said she was going to try to break it up, then she hung up on me." Lani could tell that the officer was skeptical of her story.

"Which husband was fighting with Mr. Jacobs?"

"Uh..." Lani stumbled over her lies. She had only heard Drista mention her guardian had two husbands. Details were never stated. "I don't actually know his name...me and Drista have only recently met."

"So your official statement is that there was a brutal and potentially fetal fight at that house last night?" The officer clarified.

Lani nodded. "Yeah...Drista loved Karl...he raised her for years, was her brother's best friend. They used to do everything together. Fishing, shopping, movie nights...she would never..." Lani piled on the lies. Even though she didn't know if they were lies or not. Drista never really spoke about her home life in the short time they were friends.

"You would be surprised what people will do...thank you for your statement." The officer stood up and left.

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