I Had An Accident

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Not the chapter title making it sound like I pissed myself...

TW// mentions of panic attacks and self-destructive behavior

"Are you absolutely insane?!" Lani yelled at Drista as she was being handcuffed by the police. Quinn was taken away on an ambulance, completely traumatized.

"Absolutely..." Drista muttered in monotone. She felt almost completely numb, emotionally.

"You're insane!" Lani told Drista as she was forced into the cop car. Lani sighed as the door was shut. For some reason she still felt bad for Drista.

"It'll be okay, Lani." Mr. Philza put a hand on Lani's shoulder. "Just stay calm, classes are going to be cancelled for the rest of the day."

"O-okay..." Lani whined. "I don't know what happened...I swear, Drista is a good person she just..."

"She's a victim of her own mind, I know." Mr. Philza took Lani's hand and gently led her back to her room. "You go relax, do you think you need your medicine?"

"Not yet...I think I'm in shock or something because I'm not panicking yet...when it sinks in, maybe." Lani was honestly surprised that she hadn't processed what happened yet. She watched Drista assault a girl's eye with a fork. She had never seen something so graphic. The image was still in her mind, but she hadn't acknowledged that it was real yet.

"Okay, well I'll come check on you a bit later." The headmaster gave Lani a couple pats on the back before she went into her dorm. He walked down to the nurse's office and caught nurse Halo on his way out. "Hey, are you able to stay a couple hours extra?"

"Uh..." Nurse Halo shrugged. "I don't know, I guess?"

"Thank you. Nurse Puffy isn't able to come in today. Usually a few hours without a nurse is fine, but we just had a lockdown. Some kids might need counseling, anxiety medication if they struggle with anxiety." Mr. Philza explained. All nurses at the school doubled as counselors. It was to save money, but it definitely overworked the nurses. Thankfully they had a relationship with a psychiatrist that would take over in severe cases.

"Yeah, I don't mind...so...what happened?" The nurse hasn't been told anything yet.

"Student issue, I'm going to send a staff email out. I'll explain the situation more." Mr. Philza sighed and rubbed his forehead. "I've got to go call a guardian. Thanks for sticking around."

"Okay, no problem." Nurse Halo went back into the office and prepared to work overtime.


Nurse Halo had spent hours tending to the emotional needs of the students. Just as he thought he was done for the day, he got another knock on his door. He faked a positive face and opened it. "Hey, do you need to come in?"

Lani nodded and walked in. "Something happened..."

"What happened?" Nurse Halo gestured to a seat to encourage her to sit down.

"I over thought...I feel like it's my fault– Drista only did what she did because Quinn was bullying me." Lani whined and crossed her arms. Her eyes proved that she has been doing some crying. She took a seat.

"I promise, it is not your fault." Nurse Halo reassured her and gave her a pat on the back. "Do you want your medicine?"

"Y-yeah..." Lani nodded and rubbed at her sore eyes. "I just... can't believe she did that..."

"Yeah, I was emailed the details...hard to read for sure. Can't imagine seeing it." Bad sympathized and got Lani's prescription. "Were you and Drista friends?"

"I think so..." Lani doubted her relationship with Drista. "I know she is crazy, but I just...I can't help but feel attached to her. She is so cool, underneath all her trauma."

Bad nodded and handed over Lani's pill. "Yeah, trauma does crazy things to people..."

Lani took the pill and waited for it to numb her feelings. "I have a feeling that she's done worse before though..."


*A month later*


ani had been slowly getting back to normal after the incident. Unfortunately she was now rooming by herself. So if she wished to self-destruct, she could. On this particular night she was sobbing in her bed, clawing at her own skin. Then, she got a call. She didn't recognize the number yet it felt familiar. "Hello?"

"Hey, thank God. I was afraid I dialed the wrong number." It was Drista. She sounded different. Not older, or more mature. It had only been a month after all. Drista sounded dead, on the inside.

"Oh my gosh, Drista! How'd you get my number?" Lani sniffled and started to forget what had her distraught previously.

"You told me once, but I didn't write it down. It came to me again in a hallucination..." Drista explained then got to her reason for calling. "I need you."

"I'm here to talk if you need to." Lani loaned her ears.

"Right...I had an accident, and I don't know what to do." Drista told her.

Lani frowned. "What sort of accident?"

"I lashed out at Karl, said some things I regret..."

"Oh...who's Karl again?"

"Friend of my brother's. He was chosen to take care of me, along with his insufferable husbands."

"Oh, well just apologize?" Lani thought this accident could be easily solved.

"He's not responsive...he won't even acknowledge me."

"Hm..." Lani tried to think of a solution. "Well, just give it time. Go to bed, and try in the morning...what did you say to him anyway?"

"Not important, really...what did you do today?" Drista wondered, but didn't actually care.

"Oh, the usual...classes, had an anxiety attack." Lani sighed and sniffled again to clear her stuffy nose. "What did you do today?"

"I was out with my friend Kathrine...I'm going to sneak out with her again tonight."

"Oh–" Lani knew better than to lecture Drista. It was a waste of oxygen. "Just, be safe please."

"Don't tell me what to do. I'm leaving at 10:00 PM to see her." Drista put emphasis on the exact time.

"Mkay? Well have fun!" Lani was getting an awful feeling from this conversation.

"I won't get home until 1:30 AM." Drista emphasized again.

"Wow, you're organized." Lani chuckled awkwardly and let out a breathy sigh. "Well, night Drista. Nice talking to you again...maybe we can chat some other time?" Lani had pushed the fork incident to the back of her mind, she was vulnerable for a friend.

"Goodnight..." Drista mumbled and hung up.

Lani put the phone away and curled up in her bed. She stared across the room at the bed that used to be Drista's. She missed having a friend, even if she gave off dangerous vibes.

Friendly reminder that I'm hoping to start a writing project soon where I write One-shots dedicated to my readers. You can check my page for more information!

Worth {Drista & Lani} COMPLETETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon