Reckless Teen Party

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Drista walked into a scene. While Vincent was collecting the girls, his friends were starting the party. There was already a mess on the floor, and a nasty smell in the air.

Drista grabbed Kathrine's hand. "Come on, let's go find the drinks."

"In the kitchen, as always." Vincent told them as they walked away.

Kathrine opened the fridge and pulled out two cans. She handed one to Drista before sighing happily. "This is what I live for."

"Tequila Seltzers?" Drista scoffed.

"No, chaos." Kathrine giggled and opened her beverage. She took a sip and gagged. "Oh ew, I grabbed the wrong one."

"What is it?" Drista looked at her can.

"Watermelon." Kathrine stuck her tongue out in disgust.

"I like watermelon, let's switch." Drista exchanged cans with Kathrine.

"Lime, sweet." Kathrine sat on the kitchen counter and listened to the noise in the living room. Everyone seemed to be having a riot in there. "Do you think Tom will show up?"

"If he's dumb, yeah..." Drista sipped her drink and sat on the counter next to Kathrine.

"Then I guess he'll be here." Kathrine popped open the lime flavored beverage and gulped it down.

"In a hurry?" Drista teased.

"Nah, just trying to feel a buzz. Do you mind if I go off with Luke for an hour?" Kathrine asked, but she'd go regardless.

"Uh...then who will I chill with?" Drista pouted.

"Vincent~" Kathrine nudged her. "Come on, give the guy a chance. All he did was ask you for pictures."

"Uh, isn't that sexual harassment?" Drista pointed out.

"It's not the end of the world. Just move on." Kathrine hopped off of the counter. "See you later, girl."

"See you later I guess...have fun with Luke." Drista grumbled as Kathrine left her alone. So much for best friends.

Drista paced around the house all night until finally something exciting happened.

"Yo, Tommy!" A voice cheered.

Tom walked into the room, nervous was an understatement. He pulled his hands out of his pockets and waved. "Ello!"

Drista tried to get to him first, but Vincent beat her to it. She watched as Vincent handed Tom a drink and led him to the kitchen. So much for that, now she was bored again. Her boredom didn't last long. A loud commotion in the kitchen brought her back in.

Vincent had Tommy pinned against the wall, throwing repeating punches. People were cheering but it was hardly a fight. It was just a weak attack.

"Vincent!" Drista tried to pull him back. "It's not fun if he can't fight back!"

Vincent dropped Tommy and looked at Drista. "Oh yeah? Are you friends with this pussy now?"

"No, I want to see if he'll hit a girl." Drista kicked Tommy while he was already down. "Come on bitch, fight me!"

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" The teenagers chanted.

Tommy pulled himself up off the ground, his head was pouring blood. "Get away from me, you psychopath!" Tommy tried to leave but Drista grabbed his arm, and punched him in the face. "Oi, fine!" Tom threw a punch back, hitting Drista in the nose. Everyone gasped, not expecting him to hit back.

Drista stepped back, holding her nose. "What the fuck?!"

Tommy almost felt bad for a second. Until Vincent and two other boys jumped him at the same time.

Drista watched, not shocked that they attacked him again. She watched the boys fight, until Tommy went unconscious. Then the boys froze.

"Holy shit, what are we going to do now?!" Vincent backed up.

"Did we kill him?!" Another boy shouted.

Chaos unfolded as everyone in the house ran out. Not willing to take responsibility.

Drista stood alone, looking at the limp body. Was it too late to run, or had she let goodness get to her? Drista kneeled next to Tommy and checked for a pulse. Thank God, he's alive. Drista sighed in relief and put her hand over the wound on Tommy's head. Despite not caring about this person, her heart started racing. She was scared.

"Are you with him now?" Vincent was behind Drista, he had come back for her.

Drista turned around. "No! I just don't want to get in trouble for killing someone!"

"They wouldn't blame you...unless his blood was on your hands." Vincent grinned.

Drista looked down at her hand and then back to Tommy. "Call an ambulance, he could die!"

"Kev already did, the fucking pussy..." Vincent spat on the ground, right next to Tommy. "Don't feel bad for losers, they get what they deserve."

"Yeah..." Drista stood up and wiped her hand in Vincent's shirt. "So what are we going to tell the authorities?"

"That he got drunk and slipped." Vincent glared at Drista and crossed his arms. "If they ask, we weren't drinking. Tommy brought the alcohol to our... innocent study session."

"Study Session? Look at this place!" Drista looked around.

"Good point...better clean up before they get here." Vincent shrugged and left the house again.

Drista didn't have much choice but to clean up some of the mess. She didn't want to be blamed for knocking Tommy out. As tough as she acted, she really was a terrified little girl. She just wanted to go home.

An ambulance and the police arrived, the call must have sounded suspicious. They busted through the door, Drista was still with Tommy.

"What happened here?" An officer asked her.

"He..." Drista didn't want to get caught lying to the police. "He got in a fight with someone."

"Who else is on the property?" The officer scanned the room.

"Everyone else ran...I guess they got scared." Drista cleared her throat. "He was knocked out, I tried to help him."

The paramedics collected Tommy and rushed him out to the ambulance. Drista had in fact tried to stop the bleeding, using her cardigan.

"This is why kids your age shouldn't be drinking, it smells like a bar in here. Where are your parents?" The officer kneeled in front of Drista, who was still on the floor.

"Dead..." Drista stood up so she was taller than the officer. "My brother took me in."

"Where's your brother?" The officer softened his voice.

"Dead..." Drista shrugged.

"Then who do you stay with?" The officer stood up and escorted her to the police car.

"Family friends..." Drista panicked as they got closer to the cop car. "Am I in trouble?"

"Yes, but I'll let you off with a warning. Underage drinking is illegal for a reason." The officer opened the car door.

"How do you know I was drinking?" Drista huffed.

"I can smell it, but would you like to prove it?"

"No, you're right..." Drista made things easier and got into the cop's car. She could only imagine what Karl would say.

Worth {Drista & Lani} COMPLETEKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat