Invisible Friend

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TW// Mentions of suicide and unethical sedation

I'm sick AGAIN. So I have no idea if this chapter is good. 🙄

Drista woke to Lani's musical alarm again, but tried to ignore it. She was so tired that she stayed laying in bed. Even after Lani turned the alarm off and started moving around the room, doing basic things like making her bed, and checking the schedule. She managed to fall asleep for another twenty minutes, but eventually she had to get up.

After getting off the bed Drista realized she was missing her new friend. "Hey Lani, did Madeline leave?"

"Who?" Lani turned around at her desk.

"Madeline. She must of left before you got up. Her roommate was the one that died last night. I let her stay in here last night." Drista walked to her closet and got her uniform.

"Someone died last night?" Lani's eyes widened.

"Are you braindead?"

Lani turned back around slowly and worked on some last minute homework. "You feeling okay, Drista?"

"A little shaken up. Don't you remember when we went on that walk together? We heard that gunshot and someone killed themselves." Drista crossed her arms.

"Uh...we didn't go on a walk together... did we?" Lani was second guessing herself.

"Great, my roommate is bonkers. Yes, we went on a walk and you had to get a pill. It must of messed up your memory of last night." Drista insisted.

"Heh, yeah..." Lani's eyes stayed wide as she tried to focus on her homework.


Lani knocked on the headmaster's door. It was lunchtime, but she decided to skip out on eating.

Mr. Philza opened the door and smiled. "Lani, hello. What's up?"

"Can I come in?" She whined.

"Of course mate, come on." Mr. Philza put a hand on her shoulder and led her into his office. "What can I do for you?"

Lani sat in one of the beautiful but uncomfortable velvet chairs. She waited for the headmaster to sit down before speaking. "I'm worried..."

"What's got you worried?" Mr. Philza leaned on the desk, listening.

"Drista claims Madeline's roommate committed suicide last night." Lani fidgeted with her fingers.

Mr. Philza tilted his head to the side and furrowed his brows. "Madeline?"

"Yeah, Drista told me everything in detail. Down to the conversation she had with Madeline after YOU agreed to let her room with us." Lani's face was serious but riddled with concern.

"Lani, there's no student here named Madeline." Mr. Philza laughed awkwardly.

"I know...Drista was acting weird last night. I woke up last night anxious, and went to get my medicine. Then when I came back, Drista was up in her bed mumbling to herself. She claims she was with me when I went to get my meds and everything." Lani leaned forward. "I don't mean to be an intrusion but...does Drista's file mention schizophrenia or anything like that?"

"Even if it did, I couldn't tell you...but this is the first I'm hearing of this." Mr. Philza stood up. "Were you girls watching a scary movie last night? Maybe it was a violent nightmare."

Lani shook her head. "No. Drista fully thinks someone died. It's like she created a whole scenario in her head. She's convinced we all lived it."

"Okay..." Mr. Philza stood up and picked up his cellphone. "You go make the best of what's left of lunch. Thanks for letting me know."

"I'm really worried, she's starting to freak me out." Lani admitted and left the office.


Drista was on her way back to class when the headmaster stopped her. "Can I help you?"

"Can you come with me for a moment?" Mr. Philza asked but she didn't actually have a choice.

"Fine..." Drista followed Mr. Philza down the hall. "Why do we still have classes today? Someone died."

"Nobody died, Drista." Mr. Philza stopped in front of the nurse's office. "The nurse wants to meet with you."

Drista stared at the floor. This is the fifth person that day to tell her it didn't happen. She was starting to believe them. "I...I'm not crazy!"

"I know, come on." Mr. Philza rubbed Drista's back and led her to nurse Puffy. "She just needs to talk to you."

"I saw Madeline as clear as I'm seeing you. It happened, I swear!" Drista insisted.

"It's okay, calm down." Mr. Philza continued to rub her back until the nurse was ready. She didn't pull away, maybe because she was too busy rethinking the previous night.

Nurse Puffy smiled and pulled out a seat for Drista. "Sit down, I want to ask you a couple questions."

"I'm not crazy..." Drista repeated before sitting down.

"I know you aren't." The nurse looked at the headmaster, hinting that he should leave.

Mr. Philza nodded his head and left the room so Drista had less of an audience while being questioned. He stayed outside the room though, just worried about Drista. He genuinely did care about his students. Even though people thought he was just a greedy man doing it for the money.

After twenty minutes Mr. Philza had to worry. Not because of the duration of the talk, but because he heard a scream. He ran in to see nurse Puffy holding a hand over her eye. Drista was fuming.

"What happened?!" Mr. Philza put his hands firmly on Drista's shoulders.

Drista tried to pull away from the headmaster but he ended up restraining her. She squirmed and kicked but he was stronger. When the nurse recovered from the assault to the eye, she quickly prepared a syringe.

"I'm not fucking crazy! You're trying to villainize me!" Drista turned and bit the headmaster's arm, but he still didn't let go.

"Ow! Calm down mate, it's okay." Mr. Philza didn't want to aggravate her any further. He lifted her sleeve and whispered reassurance to Drista as the nurse sedated her. They tried to make it the least traumatic they could.

"For the record, she might be fucking crazy." Puffy hissed once Drista was out.

"That's harsh..." The headmaster had to carry Drista to a bed and lay her down. "What the hell happened?"

"I was talking to her about the hallucinations she had. I brought up that trauma can cause it, and she got defensive." The nurse checked her bruised eye in a mirror and sighed. "I feel bad now for sedating her..."

"Well we can't afford any more incidences. Violent kids need to be taken bad as it makes me feel." The headmaster picked up the office phone. "I'll call her guardian. I think it's safe to say she needs to be evaluated by a professional."

"I was studying to be a professional." Nurse Puffy mumbled and walked over to the girl to check on her.

Karl wasn't happy to say the least when he got the call. He was home alone at the time, but that didn't stop him. He called his partners quickly to tell them the situation, then he headed straight to the school. He was more upset that they drugged her rather than Drista punching the nurse.

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