Chapter One - Midnight Conversations

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"Coming!" A brunette male called as he walked over to the door. "Who the hell knocks on someone's door at" he paused glancing at the stove clock, "12 in the fucken morning?" With a low sigh and a shake of his head, the male opened the door

There, standing in the middle of a thunderstorm, was a male. His dark ebony hair was drenched hanging in clumps in his face, his clothes clung to his body and he was shaking like a leaf.

"Nate? What the hell happened to you, man?!" The male exclaimed, worry and concern dripping from his words like venom as he quickly stepped aside, allowing the male, Nate, to step inside and out of the cold rain.

Nate gave a small smile as he stepped inside, "Hey, Hunter.." he murmured as he hugged himself, shivering from the cold.

"Here, let me get you some dry clothes and a towel" the first male, Hunter, replied before running down the hallway. He soon came back with a towel in one hand and some fresh, dry clothes in the other, "here"

"Thanks" Nate gave a grateful smile before going to the bathroom to dry off and change. Hunter sighed as he sat down on the couch while he waited. After about ten minutes, Nate opened the door with a low sigh.

"So," Hunter spoke up as the ebony sat down, "you want to talk about how you ended up at my door in the middle of a thunderstorm at 12 in the morning?"

"It's not a big deal" Nate sighed, looking down at his lap, "Matt and I had another small argument is all"

Hunter sighed, "Did he hit you at all?" He asked. Judging by the other male's body language, the brunette had a good feeling he already knew the answer.

Nate only confirmed his friend's suspicions when he nodded slightly. It was then that the ebony lifted the sleeve of his shirt to reveal a bandage wrapped around his forearm and a grip mark around his wrist, "It was my fault.." he added, "I forgot it was my turn to wash the dishes"

"Nate" Hunter sighed once more, "What he's doing is manipulating you" he explained, "He's guilt tripping you into doing what he wants"

Nate shook his head, "No" he replied, "I messed up and I got what I deserved" He then looked up to face his friend, "He's a real nice and caring guy once you get to know him"

"No he's not, Nathan" Hunter looked at his friend, his eyes soft but his voice firm, "he's not ever going to change. You need to leave him"

"I can change him," Nate replied, "I know I can. He just needs somebody to love him for who he truly is"

"You mean a manipulative, lying and abusive asshole?" Hunter asked, raising a brow, "cause that's all I see Nathan. That's all everyone sees. Everyone except you"

Nate only rolled his eyes, "I don't care. I know he can change" he replied, "I should get back home, though" he added, "before he gets worried"

"Let me give you a ride" Hunter gave a small smile. He decided to drop the subject since it was clear that Nate wasn't going to listen.

With a small smile, Nate stood up, "Thanks, man. I appreciate it, truly"

"Of course" Hunter smiled warmly as he stood up as well before going to put on his shoes. Once he had them on, he grabbed his coat and keys before leading the way outside. Luckily, the rain had slowed to a light sprinkle, so the two men could do without an umbrella.

Eventually, the two arrived at Nate's house. Putting the car in park, Hunter turned to his friend, "Are you sure you'll be alright?"

"I appreciate your concern, Hunter" Nate gave his friend a smile, "Truly, I do. But I'll be fine"

Hunter looked at the ebony for a minute before nodding, "Alright then" he gave a warm smile, "If you need anything just call me, ok?"

Nate nodded before getting out of the car and heading up the few steps that lead to his front door. Hunter watched as the ebony took the spare key from on top of the doorframe and unlocked the door. The brunette let out a small sigh as Nate disappeared into the house.

Shaking his head to clear it, the brunette then put his car in reverse and backed out of the driveway before driving down the road, heading back home.

The Devil Doesn't Bargain | NatePat ✔️Where stories live. Discover now