Chapter Seven - Apologies And Promises

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A couple days had passed since Nate's outburst towards Hunter. The ebony refused to apologize until the other male did. Currently, both men were in the studio with Shawn, who was clearly uncomfortable with the tension in the atmosphere. Nobody had said a word since they'd arrived.

"Alright, that's it" Shawn spoke up, breaking the awkward silence, "This is fucken rediculous" He looked between Hunter and Nate, "You two are grown ass adult men and yet you're acting like children"

Nate rolled his eyes, "He should mind his own business and keep his nose out of mine"

"Nate.." Hunter spoke with a sigh, "I just want to help"


Hunter flinched slightly, "Nathan.."

"Save it Hughes" Nate growled before getting up and walking out of the studio, slamming the door shut behind him.

Walking down the sidewalk, Nate felt his guilt come back. Shaking his head to clear it, the ebony took out his phone and earbuds before turning on some music to keep his mind distracted.

"Nate" The ebony barely heard his name being called. Taking out an earbud, he turned around to find Hunter running to catch up to him.

"What?" He asked bitterly, "Come to stick your nose in my business even more?"

Hunter shook his head as he paused to catch his breath, "I came to apologize" He replied, "I shouldn't have tried to pressure you into telling me what was wrong. It wasn't my business and I should stay out of it" He let out a small sigh, "I'm sorry"

Letting out a small sigh, Nate gave a small smile, "I'm sorry too" he replied, "Both for punching and yelling at you" he ran a hand through his hair, "You were only trying to help and I appreciate that, but I'm fine"

Hunter gave a small smile, "friends?" he asked, holding out his hand for a handshake.

Glancing down at the outstretched hand, Nate nodded, taking ahold of the brunette's hand and shaking it, "Friends"

With that, both men walked back to the studio to work. About an hour later, the door opened, causing all three men to look towards the door.

"Oh, hey babe" Nate smiled as he got up and went over to Matt, giving him a peck on the cheek, "what're you doing here?" He asked, tilting his head to the side with confusion.

"Hey, love" Matt replied, "I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing" He gave a smile before turning to Hunter and Shawn, "Hello Hunter, Shawn"

"Hi" Shawn gave a smile while Hunter just gave a small nod of greeting. Nate smiled as he went and sat back down, grabbing his guitar before turning to look at Matt.

"You can sit down if you want. We're just working on a song"

"Mind if I hear it?" Matt asked as he sat down in a chair next to Nate.

Nate looked at Hunter, who just shrugged, before looking at Shawn, who gave a small smile, "Sure" the ebony finally replied.

Shawn grinned as he turned to the computer and played the track while Nate began playing his guitar.

"One step forward, two steps to Hell" Nate began to sing softly, yet loud enough for everyone to hear, "You bleed me dry yet I can't let go" Glancing over at Matt, Nate grew slightly nervous as he continued, "Say you love me but is it true or just a lie?" The ebony then looked over at Shawn, who gave a grin as he continued, "my hands are tied with each word you say.." Letting out a mental sigh, Nate looked back down at his guitar, "bleed me dry yet I still stay" Putting on a smile, the ebony looked back at Matt, "I still stay.."

Shaking his head to clear the negative thoughts, Nate glanced over at Hunter, who gave a reassuring smile, "It's addicting like a drug, the pain is brutal" Looking back down at his guitar, the ebony focused on the notes he was playing, "Run my love dry till there's nothing left to give" Glancing back up at Matt, Nate gave a smile as he played the last few notes, "Till there's nothing left to give.."

Matt looked at Nate with a look that the ebony couldn't quite understand. He then gave a smile as he began to clap softly, "That was beautiful, love" His smile then turned into a grin, "can't wait to see the finished product"

Nate let out a soft chuckle, "thanks" He gave a small grin as Matt stood up.

"Well, I'll let you guys get back to work" He gave a smile to each of the three men, "I'll see you two another time" he nodded to both Hunter and Shawn before turning to Nate, "and I'll see you at home, love" he leaned down to give the ebony a quick kiss to the lips before going over to the door, "Bye"

"Bye, babe" Nate called after the other male, "Love you"

"Love you too" Matt called over his shoulder before he was gone, the door closing behind him.

Eventually, Nate made it home after a long day of writing. Walking into the house, he gave a smile as he saw Matt waiting for him on the couch.

"Hey, babe" The ebony greeted as he sat down next to the brunette.

"Hey" Matt gave a smile as he looked up from his phone. Putting the device aside, he leaned his head on Nate's shoulder with a content sigh, "you know I love you, right?"

"Mhm" Nate nodded, "I know" He replied, "Why?" He asked, growing slightly nervous, "Did I do something wrong?"

"No" Matt shook his head, "no, you didn't do anything wrong" he gave a light chuckle before standing up and turning to face the ebony, "I know I may yell and throw things, but I do it because I love you. Not because I want to hurt you"

Then, the brunette did something that Nate didn't expect. He reached into his back pocket before getting down onto one knee, causing the ebony to gasp as Matt opened a small box.

"Nathan Smith" Matt began, "Will you do me a huge favor and accept this ring as my promise to always love you, no matter what?"

Nate didn't reply at first. He just stared at the ring for a moment before looking up at Matt as tears filled his eyes. When he eventually found his voice, he nodded his head vigorously as he replied, "Of course!"

This caused Matt to grin as he took the ring out of the box. It wasn't anything incredibly fancy, just a simple jet black titanium band that had the words "Forever His King" engraved in it. Nate watched as Matt slipped the ring onto his finger before pulling the brunette into a kiss. Matt was surprised by the sudden action but slowly melted into the kiss, kissing back before both men had to pull away for air.

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