Chapter Six - Deceiving The Ashes

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"Earth to Nate"

The ebony snapped out of his thoughts at the sound of Hunter's voice in his ear, "sorry" He murmured, "What was the question?"

"Here's a question" Hunter replied, his eyes holding concern, "Are you ok? You've been staring at your guitar for the past five minutes"

Looking down, Nate saw that he indeed had his guitar in his hand. "I'm fine" he gave a small smile as he looked back up at his friend, "just a bit tired"

Hunter looked at him for a moment before giving a small smile in return, "Alright then. We can take a break if you want?" he offered, "You can take a quick nap on the couch"

"No thanks" Nate shook his head, "I'll be alright"

"If you're sure" The brunette male replied before turning to Shawn, "play that last track again"

Nodding, Shawn turned back to the computer while Nate adjusted the instrument in his lap. Once the music began playing, Nate began strumming his guitar.

Soon enough, the day was over. Putting his guitar back in its case, Nate stood back up, only to flinch harshly as he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Woah" Hunter's voice came from beside the ebony, "It's just me" he added, "You sure you ok?"

Nate nodded, "I'm fine. You just scared me is all"

Hunter sighed before turning to face his friend, "What's wrong, Nate" he asked, the worry evident in his voice.

"Nothing" Nate shrugged, "I'm fine" he gave a small smile, "I promise"

"Bullshit" Hunter replied, causing Nate to flinch slightly, "I know something happened"

The ebony shook his head, "Nothing happened, Hunter" he then sighed, "Just drop it, ok?"

"No" Hunter snapped back, "For fuck sakes, Nate" He sighed, "I'm worried about you. Hell, everyone is" He added, "We all know something is going on but we can't fucken help you if you don't let us"

Without really thinking, Nate curled his hand into a fist before suddenly punching the brunette, causing him to stumble backwards, tripping over the guitar case and landing with a low thud.

"Nate, what the hell, man?!" Shawn exclaimed as he rushed to help Hunter off the floor. Hunter gladly accepted the help, holding his nose that was now bleeding from the punch.

Nate only rolled his eyes, "I told you I'm fine. So just leave me the hell alone already" With that, the ebony knelt down and grabbed his guitar case before leaving the studio. He honestly felt bad about what he did, but his anger overruled his guilt as he got into his car with a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair before driving off, heading home.

Walking into his house, Nate flopped down onto the couch with a small, frustrated groan. Matt soon came from upstairs, most likely from recording a video, and sat down beside the ebony,

"Everything ok, love?" he asked, putting a hand on Nate's knee with a small frown.

Nate shook his head, "Hunter was nagging me about something" He sighed

Matt nodded in understanding, "You want to talk about it?" he asked

Nate shook his head once more, "No, not really"

"Alright" Matt replied before gently pulling the ebony closer, "C'mere" he smiled softly, causing Nate to smile as well as he rested his head on the brunette's shoulder, "You're cute when you're frustrated"

This caused Nate's face to heat up with a faint blush, "Really?" he asked, looking over at the other male.

"Yea" Matt replied, turning his head to give Nate a kiss on the lips, "Granted, you're cute all the time, but you're extra cute when you're frustrated" He added with a small smirk.

Nate smiled softly at that, his face nearly as red as a tomato, "I love you" He murmured, moving so that his head was now in Matt's lap.

"I love you too, Nate" Matt replied as he ran his hand through the ebony's hair, playing with it gently. Closing his eyes as Matt played with his hair, Nate gave a content smile as he soon dozed off, letting sleep overtake him.

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