With a Dream

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??? POV
Falling, falling, falling. Down the never ending, black abyss. I look around for something, anything to grab on, but there is nothing besides darkness and myself. Nothing and no one, it shouldn't scare me, but fear spread through me like wildfire as my heart began to race. I continue to fall deep, down in the never ending abyss.

A beautiful, enchanting melody has begun to play. I quickly cover my small ears to block out the beautiful, enchanting music that'll surely do something horrid to me. I look for the source to destroy the, ear killing music but, it's all around me. There are not many sources and there is not one particular source, so I am unable to destroy the horrid, enchanting music. Then, the music suddenly stops...

Falling into the deep black abyss, with the music disintegrated, no thing was in the abyss besides me. But I was wrong. As I started to look up, I see a stunning girl, falling with me, only looking down, eyes clouded by fear and rage. I tried to call out to the beautiful girl falling with me, but found that I had no voice. As if my voice left me when I started to fall in the black abyss. I reached my hand out to her, but I was stopped by an invisible shield, I banged on it, pounded and tried to scream. Nothing was getting through. Each second I wasted trying to get to her, each second she became more fearful and began to tear up. I wanted to reassure her, make her feel happy, tell her that she's okay.

But then, someone started to laugh hysterically. An evil, yet high pitched cackle that should belong to a witch. Again, I looked for the source of the noise to make it stop. Then turned around, realizing that the laugh was from the beautiful girl that was right in front of me. Instead of the gorgeous girl, a figure blended in with the surrounding shadows to make it seem like they disappeared, but she didn't. All I could see was golden, threatening eyes, looking into my Crimson eyes, as if to search my soul and find all my secrets. Soon, a pearly white smirk accompanied the threatening, golden eyes. The figure slowly moved their arm, and as the arm started to appear, a bright light shown around it. The bright light then solidified into a white glove, with light pink furred forearm. The hand seemed to be suggesting for help, help out of the deep dark abyss we've been falling down. I started to reach my glove, with a golden ring around the wrist, to where her glove was. Only inches apart... Centimeters.... Millimeters....


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