Chapter 7

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Amy's POV

As I sat alone at my desk, pondering what to do, while my hand glided over the page in front of me. My hand started to create smooth, curved lines. One by one, a new line appears before me. I effortlessly sketch out a hedgehog, a mysterious hedgehog hidden in the shadows, with glowing golden eyes and a white Chester cat smile. Mysterious to other people, but extremely well known to me.

???: "Um... e-excuse me..."

I slowly turn my head up to the quiet, yet sweet voice of a shy, yet beautiful lavender cat. I smile my trademark, stunning smile at her. As she started to blush.

Amy: "Hello! What's your name?"

???: "M-m-my n-name is... Blaze... Blaze the cat."

???: "And I'm Tails! Behind me is my girlfriend Cosmo. And the thug-ish man over there is Espio!"

I look and find a beautiful green and white plant creature who I assumed to be Cosmo, and I find a purple chameleon with a cream colored horn on his head who I guessed was Espio.

Tails: "Well anyway! We know you and you know us, so we were wondering if you'd like to have lunch with all of us?"

Amy: "Why that sounds-"

Mina: "Revolting!"

Suddenly, Cosmo, who I presumed to be shy and innocent, stood in front of Mina looking right into her eyes as if trying to defend us all.

Cosmo: "Know what sounds revolting!? Looking at you're face! You know I'm so sad for all you're mirrors! You must of at least gone through 20 mirrors a day because you're just so ugly they would break on sight of you!"

Mina's POV

I'm pretty sure I looked stunned only because that weed started to smirk confidently thinking that, that pathetic excuse for an insult hurt me. HA! As if! This just proves that Amy should be with us and not them! It also just fuels my hate fire for nerds and weirdos.

Mina: "Oh sad little weed, you must be more pathetic then I thought you were, by making that silly excuse of an insult to me."

I started to laugh in her face and soon my entourage accompanied me. My entourage consisted of Fiona the Fox, Sally, Julie-Su and Rouge, who seemed to finally stop shaking and decided to join us, only to start shaking slightly at the sight of the new girl. As we all laughed in unison, I started to notice the weed and all her friends started to break down and were about to run if not for the intrusion!

Amy's POV

I sat up to get out of my seat, Cosmo, Tails, Blaze and Espio all watched while the Mongoose and her friends were laughing at them.

Amy: "Cut this out Mongoose! You shouldn't be mean to others, just because they're better than you. So you should take my advice and lay off. Crawl back into the whole you came from with you're little runts you call 'friends' and stop labeling people."

Suddenly, I felt everyone's eyes on me. The whole room went quite and all looked stunned. No one could believe I talked back to her I guess...

Mina: "W-what did you just say!? Okay. I'll let you off with a warning this time just because I like you and I want you to be friends with us. But only this time! Interfere again and I'll make sure you're life will be miserable for the rest of the time you're here."

Th mongoose hair flips then walks away from my desk to her own little corner. I turn around to see Cosmo, Blaze and Tails gawking at me and Espio smirking at me in admiration.

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