Chapter 12

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Espio's POV

I strolled into the cafeteria, whit hands in my hoodie and music in my ears. By that I mean I had my headphones in. I'd glance back every so often just to check if Ames was right behind me, and she was, don't get me wrong. I'm just extremely worried about her. I know Blaze and Cosmo didn't notice, but I certainly did.

I noticed the drawing in her notebook, I noticed how when she 'daydreamed' she kept her eyes open, and I certainly noticed how her eyes changed with the page. What creeped me out the most was, Amy was supposed to be daydreaming right? But she wasn't.


The classroom darkened because the teacher had put on an 'educational' movie.



I looked to my right to find Amy siting up straight and looking at me! Her eyes huge, as if she was screaming to help her with only her eyes. Her Emerald eyes, that I love so much, were only the size of a small pea. I got so alarmed.

Espio: "Ames. Ames... Ames!"

I whisper scream at her to see if she can hear me. That's when it happened.

The room suddenly went extremely bright and the light busted! Like someone turned the lights on high and waited, WAITED for them to explode and rain sparks on us all. Screams every where.

I quickly forgot about everything and turned to look at Amy and, SHE WAS SMILING LIKE SHE DID THAT! She didn't have her wonderful, glorious smile on that had captivated me, instead she had a grin just like the grinch's.

Then everything went even darker than it was. And I heard Amy. I heard Amy! She sounded frustrated and scared and most of all she sounded... Sad.

Then everything got lighter, and I was then back in the classroom with screaming girls and protective boyfriends and couples taking this time to make out. These people disgust me.

I look over at Amy and see that she is scribbling at impossible speed. even faster then when that one guy runs. You know that blue guy. ya him, but it was even faster. She never broke her pencil and it never got shorter! As if something had possessed her. She scribbles for the rest of the class. I watched her the whole time, and if that wasn't the weirdest, when Amy got to the thing that is supposed to be eyes and a mouth, the regular lead pencil changed color! I'm talking about a regular lead pencil that only has the black graphite in it and like one that you could pick up from a drug store. But no. The one piece of lead that never shortened, could change color too! The hell is going on with the world!


As I looked away for only a second, Amy's eyes closed heavily and her creepy smile faded. As if on Que, her head hit the desk, HARD just as the bell had rung to go to lunch. Nice one Ames nice one.

(End of flashback)

As Amy and I walk through the cafeteria, Amy seemed distracted by something, she kept looking over at the window as if she was afraid that someone... Something will come...

Espio: "Hey Ames! You plan on eating air for lunch?"

Amy: "Wh... Oh damn! Sorry Espio, guess I spaced out..."

Espio: "...You did more than space out..."

Amy:"What did you say?"

Espio: "Nothing nothing."

But really Ames what was that? Why do you look so scared? Is it that time of month? *smirks*
Haha barely knowing Ames, it probably isn't. Oh well I'll just push it to the back of my head until she brings it up.

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