Chapter 10

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Shadow's POV

I stood there, hand on cheek, watching the delicate rose sashay away. I was unable to comprehend what had just happened.

1)I tried to be nice and tell her the truth about Espio
2) I tried to tell her I was into her by saying to dump the purple slump, and go out with me
Then 3) I tried to ask what I did
And lastly 4) she SLAPPED me!

Why would she do that!? I'm the most handsome hedgehog in this whole town! I am extremely powerful so I could protect her. And I'm ripped, so I have an Impressive six pack, that she was looking at!

I was being watched by the entire class, and I knew I was. But I didn't care. I still want to know what I did wrong! I was about to ask her when Mr. Robotnik, our science teacher, told everyone to sit down. I slumped in my seat still thinking on what I could have possibly done!

Amy's POV

As I walked to my new seat across the room, someone hugged my from behind! My first instinct was to hurl the person off of me and to the wall, but I decided to look at who it was. And to my surprise, it was Blaze! She had the biggest smile on and looked at me as if I was her role model.

Amy: "H-hi Blaze what are you-"
Blaze:"THAT WAS AMAZING AMY! No one has ever stood up to two preps in one day NO ONE! Espio would be so proud! And if you were about to ask what I am doing here, it's because I have the same classes as you all day! Cosmo is in this class to but she had to stop by her locker then by Tail's locker just cause, but OH Amy that was amazing! HA those preps should watch their mouths from now on! Amy is a girl who won't get won over easily! I hope you can teach me that Amy! You're so cool! I'm so glad we're best friends! W-wait, are we... best.. friends?"

Blaze rambled on and on until the last question, she said that question so quietly just like when she introduced herself to me in our home room last period. I was smiling at her the whole time she was talking cause here, here is a good spirit worth saving. When that question popped out of no where, I stood there surprised, but soon have her my trademark smile and said,

Amy: "Of course we are Blaze, what would make you think we weren't?"

Blaze: "Oh.. nothing it's just some people do things like that the first day, the ditch me and my friends for the preps they talked back to. But, No one has ever talked back to Mina or even look at Shadow because of Mina! And you did both, not to mention slapping Shadow!"

Blaze keeps talking on and on as we walked to our desks, soon Cosmo walks in and sits in front of us joining in our conversation.

Cosmo: "What!? Amy stood up Shadow! HOLY COWS! I really want to see that! Amy wanna do it again!"

Amy: "Sorry Cosmo, I'm not going to slap Shadow another time just for the fun of it."

Cosmo: "I would..."

Blaze: "Don't worry Cosmo! I got it all on video!"

Amy and Cosmo: "YOU WHAT!?"

Blaze "Y-ya...."

{Time skip 4th period last class before lunch}
(Still Amy's POV)

Soon everyone was talking about the video Blaze took of me slapping Shadow. Blaze and Cosmo decided to make it viral and chain message it to anyone and everyone. As I walked to my 4th period, I got looks of respect, pats on the back, people cussing me out and death glares. All at once.

A hand touched my shoulder and whispered in my ear.

???: "Hey Ames! Love what you did. And don't worry it's just me, Espio!"

Amy: *sigh* "You scared me Espio, I thought you were Shadow or someone else."

Espio: "Haha! Ya but I can see that you can handle you're self, so I don't have to worry about anyone hitting on you."

Amy: "H-h-hitting o-on m-me?"
I flushed a deep Crimson at the mention of 'hitting on me'
"W-why would you h-have to w-worry?"

Espio: "Cause you're my girl! Aren't you? Or did I just read everything wrong?"

By now Espio put his arms around my waist as we walked down the hall that was so crowded people had to walk in two lines. I flushed even deeper at the hug he was practically giving me.

We found our class and walked into our History class. Espio decided to sit next to me and gave me a kiss on the cheek as I sat down. And again I turned Crimson. I was so embarrassed that I covered my face with my white gloved hands. Blaze sat on the other side of me, because Blaze is in all of my classes, and Tails sat in front of Espio. I thought to myself, this can't possibly get any better. But I was terribly wrong.

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