Chapter 4

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Author's Note

This chapter is mostly explaining. Sorry about that, I'll try to make the next chapter more exciting...

Shadow's POV

As Silver speeds down the street, I start to drift in and out of conscience.

As I have said, there are not a lot of people that live in this town. There are only two schools, pre-9 and 10-12. This year my buddies and I are all seniors and can't wait to leave this small pathetic excuse for a town behind. Gossip. Gossip spreads like wildfire here, maybe even faster. One whisper on the playground and next it's all everyone seems to be talking about! No matter what age you're at.


Sirens flare off in the background as I wake with a start. Silver pulled over with an annoyed sigh.

Police man: "Where you boys headed to?"

Silver: "I'm truly sorry officer, but..."
Knuckles: "BUT WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE FOR CLASS AND ITS GOING TO BE ALL YOUR FAULT!" Knuckles said cutting off Silver.

The police man saw me in the back and instantly look panicked.

Police man: "Here, I'll personally escort you to you're school follow me..."

Knuckles:" And this is why we drag your sorry little lazy ass with us Shadow."

Shadow: *sigh* "Do you rely think I have a small ass?" I said with a cocky grin.

Knuckles: "UGH!"

Silver and I start to laugh hysterically.

(Time skip)

The three of us sprint to the front door of the school and burst through the doors entirely. Still sprinting down the hall, we all head to our home room, which turns out we all have the same teacher. (Remember this is the beginning of their senior year.)
Barely making it to class we, crash through the doors of the home room and sit down next to each of our girlfriends who were saving seats for us.

Earlier when the cop panicked when he saw me, that's because I'm dating his boss's daughter, Mina the Mongoose. Knuckles is dating the jewelry store man's daughter, Rouge the Bat. And sadly, Silver is single, which I don't know why because he's one of the most popular guys at our school and he's handsome. Oh well. The there's the 'Faker', Sonic the hedgehog, who is dating the Mayor's daughter, Sally Acorn. And so on and so on.

"Hello class." Said a sweet, alluring voice. Then came in a beautiful, astonishing woman with long cascading blonde hair and crystal clear, lake blue eyes. She had luscious red lips and long black eyelashes. Walking directly up to the chalkboard, she wrote in beautiful elegant letters a name. 'Miss. Maria'

"My name is Miss. Maria, and I will be you're home room teacher for the rest of the year. I hope we have an excellent year together." Miss. Maria smiled a bright smile, her smile was one of those smiles that understands you and knows what you've been through. Like you could tell her anything. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed something rare, something precious, someone pink! But I dismayed it thinking that, that person would be of no use to me.

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