Chapter 11

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Authors note!

I believe this is my longest chapter yet! There is a new character going to appear and it's not a sonic character but an oc. @LivetteThorn 's OC. Don't be alarmed or worried and I'm really sorry this came really late!


Amy's POV

Blaring out from the school speaker was a disembodied voice.

*Amelia Emerald Rose please report to the office, Amelia Emerald Rose please report to the office*

'Oh no... I can't afford for something terrible.'

Everyone's eyes were on me, some faces smirking, others looked grim. I sat at my desk for a minute, apparently that was a minute too long because my teacher told me to go. As I got up from my seat, Espio took hold of my hand.

Espio:" Hey, if you need someone to go with you, you can always ask me."

Amy:"Thanks Espio, that means a lot."

I placed a light kiss on his forehead then headed my way to the office.

{time skip}
(Now in office still Amy's POV)

Principle: "Ah! Miss. Amelia Rose."

Amy: "You can just call me Amy."

Priciple: "Yes, Amy. So, I heard you got some guts, that could get you in trouble."

Amy: "Oh... um... about that..."

Principle: "Please save your words, someone had to put them in their place! It's always this is this and that is that from those two. And I could never argue or else they'd shut down my school."

I gawked at him, realizing that he was in my side and not the Mayor's daughter's friend's side.

Principle:"But I hope you know that they won't let you off easy. So I'll have to have someone from your family to come have a conference with me."

Oh shit! Now I'm in trouble. I true fully have no family besides her. So I'm going to have to call her.

Principle: "So if you don't mind, I'd like to call you're mom or dad-"

Amy: cutting him off short I say "Oh sorry but my... Mom....and....Dad are... on a very important business trip and they won't be returning until the end of the year."

Principle: "Well I'd have to call someone. Do you have anyone in mind?"

Amy: "O-oh ... ya I do."

Principle: "And who might that be?"

Amy: "My sister, Livette Thorn."

Principle: "L-Livette Thorn? There is no such person in you're student profile. Is she really you're sister?"

Amy: "Y-ya... of some sort."

Principle: "Okay. How old is she and what's her number. And why is she not here with you?"

Amy: "Livette is the same age as me, and she goes to a... private? School."

I grabbed a sticky note from the principle's desk and scribbled a number on it.

Amy: "This is her number..."

Principle: "Thank you, you can go back to your class now. That's all I needed."

{very small time skip}

As I stepped out into the hall, I was unable to think straight. The principle was on my side, he is going to call my sister, and she's most likely going to transfer to this school of mine and realize why I had to come here. She'll most likely, regardless of what I have to say, is going to help me in my mission. Ugh! Everything just got a whole lot shittier.

((Is that even a word? Shittier? The life and mind of me! (Ou-)/))

As I walk into class Blaze's, Cosmo's and Espio's faces light up. On the other hand Mina and all her friends gave me the dirtiest looks I've ever seen. they were so dirty they belonged in a dump some where in the middle of no where.

I take my seat next to Espio and pull out my book from my shoulder bag, that looks more like a really long leather purse, and place it on my desk.

Espio: "Hey, I see you made it out alive. What did he have to say? And why are you back so quickly?"

Amy:" Well-"

Teacher: *clears throat* Miss. Rose, would you like to say what ever it is to the whole class and not just the chameleon next to you."

Espio:" It's Espio teach."

Teacher: *sigh* "Espio"

Amy: "Oh I'm sorry. I would not... like to say it..."

Teacher: "then that's settled. Please keep you're mouth shut for the rest of the class time."

Amy: "Yes, teacher."

I slightly turn my head to Espio and whisper.

Amy: "I'll tell you at lunch."

Espio: "I'll hold you to that."

For the rest of the class, Cosmo and Blaze frantically took down notes, Espio took only 'important' notes and Mina her entourage sent me death glares from across the room.

I noticed all of it, but I didn't care, as I started to doze in, and out, and in agin of concessions.

{still Amy's POV}


Amy: "No! I can't blow my cover just yet!"


Amy: "I've already endangered them just being here bitch!"

A low animal-like growl comes from all sides.


Two golden eyes appear within the darkness of what I was surrounded with. The golden eyes slowly started to leak to red, while glaring deep into my soul.



Chuckles vibrate around me as the pitch black space I'm in starts to enclose around me. The golden/red eyes show as if they were smirking, except without a mouth below it.


{end of day dream}

I jolt awake with a start as I desperately search around the class for it, but all I find is a worried Espio, Blaze and Cosmo looking down at me. I realize that I'm in a cold sweat when I woke up and eyes wider than Sally's and Mina's egos combined.

Blaze: "A-are you o-okay?"

Cosmo: "Ya, are you? You look like... someone threatened to kill you with you're own hands."

Amy: "I-I'm fine. What happened when I was asleep?"

Cosmo: "Nothing really, the bell rung so we tried to wake you up... I guess we gave you quite a scare. But who cares ITS LUNCH TIME!"

Cosmo practically dances out the class room and grabbed Blaze's hand on the way out and forced her to dance which Blaze seemed over-joyed with.

Espio: "A-are you really sure you're okay?"

I looked up for the first time since I woke and realized that Espio was extremely worried about me, I felt bad. But he really should get use to this.

Amy: "Y-ya, I'm totally fine. L-lets go get some lunch Espio."

Espio: "Okay sweetheart. What ever you say!"

Espio happily walks out of class humming a tune, as I started to pack up.

I was on the verge of screaming a bloody scream when I saw what was in my notebook.

A completely black page, with golden/red eyes in the dark and a pearly white
Chester cat smile right underneath the threatening deathly eyes.

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