me against the world

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Flackback match 14, 1995 Tupac Shakur POV hey young blood what's up  my album coming out today oh well to bad am in here  record it before I came in here  see there it is  yeah baby  it's been realased today from what am told  me  I decided to call it me against the world  from poetry about police brutality  n poverty good thing  I record it before I went in  yeah how u doing angry as hell have to deal wit this  thing well u decide to burn the man house down don't remind baby well  how u holding up am making it   well interscope beind me  that good thing right  yeah  I don't have well baby I have to go talk to whenever I can  alright  before I went in I record some  songs that's how always been most of the songs didn't make the album I did get some  latter's from anyone that's anyone  hell even Tony deza wrote me  hey Tupac how u doing better pal just  don't give up  I heard u was a big fan of mine  just  don't change who u we all beind u  even Jasmin wrote me hey pac I know I haven't talked to since u leave wit me  am in the middle of making another movie  well it's  well jasmine am happy to hear That I wrote back  if u ever out anywhere go the record store  my new album just been released n  tell me what u think about it okay .

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