Chapter 3

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I'm teaching maths today. Usually, I teach S.T.E.M. but Skeppy was sick and I had a sub teach my class. I'm really happy that my husband and son could come to this school. It was really nice of my boss to let them be here. I already made some friends and they're really nice. I hope Michael makes some friends that are not Shroud. I mean I am happy that he's friends with him because Tubbo and I are friends with his dad, but I still want him to make friends. People were coming into my class while I was writing my name on the board. After mostly everyone was seated, I started. "Good morning class. I will be your math teacher for today. Now if you have any questions, please put your hand up. Now I forgot to mention that my name is Mr Beloved. If you have science after this, say hi to my husband for me." People giggled but one was laughing loudly and quietly. "Alright, settle down children, I will be taking the roll now. You may respond however you please but nothing inappropriate. Ok so..."

☆: before we continue, A, means how they answered. Back to the story

"James? A- HERE
Ash?" He just puts his hand up. I'm guessing he either can't talk or doesn't like to talk but that's fine. I'll just mark him as 'here'.
"Amelia? A- Good morning Mr Beloved
Michelle? A- Hello
Anna? A- Which one sir?"
"Oh ok, then here
Umm, Antoni? A- IM GAY." I chuckle a little. "Me too."
I call out a few other students' names and start with my lesson.

(Time skip)

The recess bell rang (I don't know about you, but where I live we got lunch and recess bells, alright? OK cool onwards) Students rush out of my classroom while I see Michael and Shroud in the doorway. Michael runs to me and starts crying. "What happened? Shroud?" Shroud runs to me and hugs me too. "People are mean, Ranboo" I hear between Shroud's sobs. It stings a little but my clothes make it bearable (?). I calm them down a bit and let them explain it to me.

(Time skip to early in the day, AKA library. Also thank you Hilomello for the idea)


I head to the library and see Michael in there. I'm guessing he is waiting for me there. I open the quietly trying not to alert him and then I jumped on him. "AAAAAAAAAA WTF SHROUD. WHY D'YOU DO THAT?" I chuckle and don't respond. All I do is get off of him and help him up. "So do you still want to look for books or flirt?" Mr Bad said. I laugh will Michael goes red. "We'll go for the books Mr Bad:)." I smile. "Gladly, now the Romance books are near the door, the Harry Potter books are under that shelf, Where's Wally's books are here and Comedy or Joke books are near the stairs. If you have a question about a book or something you can come to me." He said. Tubbo then walks in to find a book. "DADDY" Michael yells. Michael and I run towards Tubbo and hug him. "Woah, hey guys. Why aren't you in class?"
"We got free periods Tubbo."
"Oh ok, well I was just going talk to Mr Bad about a book but I don't think I can with you guys holding me." He laughs a bit. We let go and Mr Bad hands Tubbo a book. "That should keep you going for a while:)" He says. Tubbo says thank you and then leaves us to get back to his class. "I'm going to go on my break now. Don't mess anything up please." Mr Bad says. He leaves and Michael and I then explore the library.

(Time skip once again)

We hear the door open and assume it's Mr Bad. We get up and see a girl walk towards us. "Hey, freaks."
"What do you want bitch?"
"I want you to do my homework."
"For the last time, I am not doing your homework, Chloe."
"You ARE going to do my homework or else your little boyfriend is getting a few bruises on his face." I get a little worried. Not about the fact that she called me his boyfriend, but the fact that she was willing to beat me up for her fucking homework is terrifying. "DON'T TOUCH SHROUD" he shouts. "Fine. I'm done looking at you ugly motherfuckers anyway. How does it feel that you'll never be loved because of that face of yours? Hmm?" Chloe says as she walks away. She leaves and then Michael starts running. The bell was going to go for recess anyway so I grab his hand and run with him. He runs to Ranboo's class. We're waiting at the doorway now for the students to get out. Michael runs to him and cries. "What happened? Shroud?" I don't know what got the best of me but I run to him and cry to. "People are mean Ranboo." He let's cry on him for a while until he calms us down. "Please tell me what happened." He says in his loving voice.


Wow... might be one of the longest chapters I've written. Thanks to Hilomello again for the idea:)

So we are now at the part where I tell you to eat and hydrate.  You better do it or else no more chapters. Mwahaha
Aight bye, love you guys<3 -Lemon

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