Chapter 16

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Lemon- This is a few hours before they meet Ranboo and the gang

¤ POV:

Auntie Aimsey parks in the teacher part of the parking lot and unlocked the doors. I still want to question her about where my parents are, but I'll talk to her about that later. Shroud and I exit the car and run to the school doors. I check the time and it reads 8:35. Shit, we're going to be late if we don't run.

We get to the doors and recheck the time. 8:38. Alright now we have to run. I grab Shroud's hand and start sprinting to our class. We have similar classes so it's no problem. Except there is a problem. The first class is history, meaning I'll probably get into trouble with Mr Notfound. 

We arrive in front of the door and slowly peer into it. We see that everyone is in their seats and Mr Notfound is having his back faced towards the people inside. I turn to Shroud and signal to him that we need to be quiet when entering the class. He nods and I slowly turn the door knob. It makes a slight noise but I doubt that he will be able to hear it. 

The door has slightly opened and we slip our bodies into the room. A few people look at us, but they don't care. Shroud closes the door as quietly as he can but it is already too late. Mr Notfound saw us. "Hello, Michael and Shroud. A little late don't you think?" He says, placing the marker he was holding down on his desk. We freeze in place and look in his direction. "It's ok, considering it is only a few minutes late, but next time I won't be as forgiving. Take your seats and copy what's on the board." He says. We rush to our seats and pull our books and pens out.

As I settle into my seat, my heart is still pounding from the close encounter with Mr Notfound. I quickly glance at Shroud, who gives me a reassuring smile. We both know we need to focus on catching up with the lesson and avoiding any further trouble.

Mr Notfound resumes his lecture, discussing the causes of the L'Manburg war. I try my best to concentrate and jot down the important points from the board. The room is filled with the scratching sounds of pens on paper as students diligently copy the information. Shroud, seated next to me, occasionally passes me a note with a humorous comment to lighten the tension. It brings a brief moment of relief, causing me to stifle a giggle.

Despite the initial interruption, the class progresses smoothly. Mr Notfound is known for his strict demeanour, but his passion for history is evident in his teaching. As the minutes pass, my anxiety fades, replaced by a growing curiosity about the subject at hand.

At the end of the lesson, Mr Notfound assigns us a research project related to the L'Manburg war. He emphasizes the importance of delving deeper into the historical context and encourages us to think critically about the events that unfolded during that period. I feel a surge of excitement at the prospect of exploring the topic further, despite the extra work it will entail.

As the bell rings, signalling the end of the class, Shroud and I pack up our belongings. We exchange a glance, silently acknowledging our narrow escape earlier. Stepping out of the classroom, we find ourselves engulfed in the bustling energy of the school corridors. Students rush to their next classes, their conversations blending into a symphony of voices.

Shroud nudges me and whispers, "Hey, Michael, let's make the best of this project. We can dive deep into the research and impress Mr. Notfound." I nod in agreement, feeling a renewed sense of determination. 

"What's your next subject?" Shroud asks. "I have a free period, what about you?" 

"I have Maths, wish me luck and see you at recess?" I nod and head to Auntie Aimee's class. I know she doesn't have a class right now cause I have her class in the afternoon. I want to question them even more now that I have this free period. I walk into his class and lean onto her desk. "Oh, hello Michael, what brings you here?" 

"I want answers. And I know you're keeping something from us." I see the anxiety in her eyes. He is quiet for a few moments until he speaks up and says. "I h-have no i-idea what you're talking

"You know exactly what I'm talking about Aimee, don't lie to me." 

"Fine, I'll tell you... *sighs* Your parents and I are part of an organisation. It's a little bit like the mafia but that's not important. Your parents have been on a mission and they have been taken by some minor mafia, so that's where they have been." 

"What?" I gasp, my heart pounding in my chest. The revelation hits me like a ton of bricks. My parents, part of an organization? Taken by a minor mafia? It all seems too surreal to comprehend. "Look, I know this is a lot to take in but that's the truth." So many thoughts rush through my head. Is that why we had to move? How long have been doing this? And so on. But before the thoughts could get worse, I somehow manage to slip out...

"We are going to find them."


Hello wattpad... I know I haven't updated this book in over a month I think, and I want to apologise for that. 

My mental state has made me not be able to write even though I had the motivation, so from now on, I will try to update once a month. Again, I am so sorry I haven't updated. But the good news is that I have now my first K-pop album. yay

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