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"You need to apologise to him Ranboo."
"Why? He walked in front of me when I was about kill him." I stare at him with my death stare. "You are going to apologise to Tommy, or else your sleeping at Phils house for a week. Got that?" I say, leaning towards them. He slowly bends downward and whispers 'We all know your not going to do it love' in their flirtatious voice. I was about to fall for ot but then Michael walks downstairs. "Morning Daddy, Papa." Michael says. I chuckle in Ranboo's face and say "We're going to the park with Uncle Tommy, you want to come?" His eyes light up with excitement, so I already know that he wanted to go. "You have no more choice Boo." He rolled is eyes as I give him a peck on the lips. I see Michael pretend vomiting in the corner of my eye so I kiss Ranboo more. Michael runs upstairs pretend to vomit. I part my lips from Ranboo and they give me a sad look. "Nope, no more kisses until you come to the park with Michael and I to see Tommy and Shroud."
"Fine, but only if I get kisses after."
"NO YOU WON'T DAD." Michael yells. I burst out laughing while walking up the stairs trying not to fall.


We arrive at the park and immediately Shroud runs to Michael. "Now you have to apologise to him alright?" Ranboo walks over to Tommy while the children(tm) follow. "Tommy"
"I apologise for yelling at you. I was just a bit tired and I'm sorry for yelling at you."
"It is ok Ranboo. I understand, I should've looked before going." Oh my god. They actually apologised to each other, without fighting.


"BOYS, WE'RE GETTING ICE CREAM. YOU WANT TO COME?" We rush out of the cubby house and to our dads. We pack all of our stuff and walk to the ice cream store. Michael and I walk around the shop seeing what flavours they had. They had, apple pie, chocolate, pecan, mint, cookies and cream, and so much more. I got apple pie with cinnamon, while Micheal being a basic bitch got chocolate and vanilla. "You are such a basic bitch Michael."
We laughed.


We get home and Michael heads upstairs for the millionth time. "I'M GONNA GO TAKE A NAP, DON'T DISTURBE ME. OR DO ANYTHING WEIRD." Michael shouts from his bed. Ranboo lies on the couch and turns the TV on. I walk in the kitchen to grab a snack but I feel someone's hands on my hips. "I'm tired Bee."
"I know, I am too, but didn't you here Michael? We can't do anything weird." I chuckle.
"Aww, but I guess we gotta respect the child." We laugh a little but when I turn around, our lips connected. It wasn't filled with lust, but more love and passion. We kiss for a minute but break after catching our breath. We kiss once more but it was interrupted by Tommy. "EWW, WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" We turn around and point upstairs, gesturing that our child is asleep. "Shit, sorry dude. Anyway Philza needs us in like 30 minutes. He says that there's something gone at headquarters."
"OK, why does he need us?"
"Because your the best agents in the whole place. You are like the best power couple in the Mafia."
"But what about Michael?" I ask. "I can get Aimee to babysit him." Ranboo replies.

"OK, we're on our way."

So, I'm going with a weird mix of au's and I hope it's going good. More Michael POVS soon.

Anyway, hydrate, eat something and commit crimes. -Lemon<3

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