Chapter 17

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"We are going to find them."


"But how? Even the organization doesn't know where they are." Auntie Aimsey says, tilting her head to the side. "What they don't know is that I have Life360," I say confidently. "Their phones were probably taken and broken Michael. It's not gonna work," He sighs. I sigh too, but I can't give up, I need to find my family.  "OK, so do you have a plan?" I asked her. She thinks for a second and shakes her head. 

"Alright, listen," I begin, my mind racing to devise a feasible plan. "We might not have their exact locations, but if their phones were taken and broken, it's still possible that we can trace their last known movements before that happened. We need to act fast."

Auntie Aimsey looks at me with a mix of hope and scepticism. "How can we do that, Michael? Even if we get access to their phone records, it might not lead us anywhere useful."

"I know it's a long shot," I admit, "but it's the best lead we have right now. We can contact their phone service providers and try to get their call and location history. Even if their phones were broken, the data might still be retrievable from the network."

Auntie Aimsey nods thoughtfully, starting to see the potential. "And then what? How does Life360 fit into this?"

"Well," I explain, "Life360 can provide us with a snapshot of their recent locations. If we cross-reference that data with the phone records, we might be able to identify any patterns or areas of interest. It's a bit of a digital detective work, but it's worth a shot."

She leans forward, her eyes focused and determined. "Okay, let's do it. But how do we get access to their phone records and the Life360 data?"

"We'll need legal access to the phone records," I reply. "We can explain the situation to the authorities, file a missing persons report, and request the necessary information. As for Life360, I have an account and can share access with you. You can then see their recent locations and help me analyze the data."

Auntie Aimsey sighs, a mix of relief and worry evident on her face. "Alright, Michael. Let's get to work. I'll make some calls and see if we can expedite the process with the authorities. Meanwhile, you set up the Life360 access for me."

As we begin our plan of action, a sense of determination fills the room. We may not know where my family is right now, but we have a glimmer of hope and a lead to follow. The journey ahead won't be easy, but I'm determined to find my family, no matter what it takes.

We were about to continue what we were doing, but the bell rang and students started piling in. I look at Auntie Aimsey and tell her that we'll talk about it later at home. 

I exit the classroom and go to the library. I gently push the door open and I look around to see if anyone is around. Only a few students studying, and some with their heads down sleeping. I looked for the Young Adult section in the library and I came across an interesting book. I take it out carefully and look at the cover. It's some sort of Mafia book. Funny considering what's my situation. It looks good so I decide to borrow it. I sit in the corner of the library and read and think about it until a bell rings to remind us that it's the next period. 


Yay, update

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