01 The Visit

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Your days were full of nothing. You lived alone and had just lost your job. The debt you were in was growing and you know that losing your house would be fatal.

Nothing was the same after your brother died. Alex was your rock, he was there for you when others weren't, he was your best friend, your brother. Now he's been gone since 2019 and your life has felt like bitter garbage.

You lay in your bed watching videos on your cell phone when you hear a knock on the door. Hesitantly you get up and approach the door, opening it but still having the door chain locked, your eyes met a pair of blue eyes. It was Kate Laswell

"(Y/n)," She said "Laswell?" You questioned, the woman smiled a bit, "I'm sorry my visit is so early. I must've lost track of time." She chuckled. Laswell had been visiting you for quite some time now, making sure you're okay and have been taking care of yourself.

You took the chain off and let her in, when she entered she smiled, placing two shopping bags on the table, "this is something me and my wife got you." She said while taking out some food, the next bag was smaller, "and this one is from John." She said, your eyes shot over towards Laswell as she took out a small tea kettle, "Price?" You questioned, the woman nodded and smiled, "you should've seen him in the store, he had Garrick help choose things." She chuckled, and you went quiet.

Laswell glanced over at you. "Those boys care for you so much," she said, she reached over and placed her hand on your arm. "Price has worried sick for you, he has been trying to get in contact with you for-" "I know," you say, cutting her sentence short. Laswell sighed, your eyes glanced at the teapot, it was small and a dark blue color.

"He just wants to see how you are, that man acts like your father, and I have to tell him to stop because you're a grown woman for crying out loud." She chuckles to herself, and you nod. "How's Kyle?" You asked, and once again she smiles that kind smile at you, "he misses you every day. He tells the others in their task force about you." She states.

After a while of talking and discussing some things, Laswell leaves on her way. You look around at your home, 'what a shithole'. You think to yourself, just as you go to lay down and take another nap you hear your cell phone ring. "Shit..." you mutter, looking down and seeing the name, clear as day, "John Price," it said.

Apart from you being hesitant, you were scared to hear his voice, but you knew you had to calm his nerves. You hit the green answer button very hesitantly, "hello?" You say.

"(Y/N)?" The voice said, almost in disbelief. "Hey, Price." You said, the man on the other end smiled, "how are you?" He asked "good" you blankly responded. The conversation seemed awkward and dry. "Look, I...I need your help." Price said, "with...?" You asked.

He was silent for a bit, "come join the 141." Price said, you shook your head, "hell no." You coldly said. "Please, we need someone with your gun skills, you're a good fighter, I know you'll be amazing," Price begged, but you knew better.

"Price, the last time I was on a mission with you my brother died, I will not take any part of this." You said.

"I'll pay you." The man responded, you froze, "how much...?" You asked "103,382 pounds, but for you, it's about $125,000." Price said. Your mouth dropped, with that kind of money you could pay off your debts and keep your house. You needed to think about it, but you knew you would have to go back to the gym.

"I'll think about it, Price." You say, the man smiles and nods, "hope to see you soon." He says, hanging up the phone.

You weren't surprised he hung up like that, Price has always made it short with you, texts or calls. He asked about you joining back in 2019 after the mission, but you were in mourning, to be honest, you're still grieving, that pain never goes away. It's constant.

Working for Price and a bunch of douchebags wouldn't be fun, but you needed that money, and you just had to go on one mission...how hard could it be?

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