02 John Price

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You took a plane down to Mexico, the ride was long and scary. You didn't mind at all though due to you sleeping for most of the plane ride. After a few hours, you went to the bar that Price said he would be at, but he never showed.

You chugged your drink, feeling the burning sensation of the whiskey going down your throat, "(Y/N)." You hear, turning your head to the side you meet eyes with Price, you get up and hug the man, he smiles under his mustache and holds you close, he missed you and you knew it.

"Oh my god." You hear a familiar voice say, letting go of Price you look to see Kyle "Gaz"  Garrick standing there, smiling. He ran up to you, hugging you tightly, and closed his eyes, enjoying your reunion.

"Kyle..." you say softly, almost in tears. "Hey, mate." He said, his accent clear. You stayed like that for a while, until he let go. Behind him, you met eyes with two other men. The first man had blue eyes, and with a heavy Scottish accent he held his hand out, "John MacTavish, you must be Price's friend." He said, smiling softly.

You nodded and shook his hand, drawing your attention next to him was a taller man, he wore a mask and a hood, he stared at you and never spoke a word, "this is Simon Riley, but we all call him 'Ghost'" Price said. Simon's eyes were dark, he had black surrounding his eyes but was wearing a ski mask, concealing his face.

"Fuckin' hell." He muttered, you tilted your head at him in confusion, "pardon?" You ask. The tall man put his hands in his pockets and sat down next to Price.

The table was small, so the group was all squished together, Price cleared his throat, "Laswell recommended we all get to know each other, especially Soap, Ghost, and (Y/N)" he said, looking at the three of you.

"There isn't much to say...I assume you gave them my rundown already." You say, taking a swig of your drink. "That I did, they know about the mission with Barkov, and Alex." Price said, you froze, putting your drink down. "...yeah." You say as the table goes quiet.

Soap smiles, "hey, we've all got something fucked up in our lives, don't we?" Soap asks, and the table nods, except for Ghost. "What's with the mask?" You ask, Ghost rolls his eyes a bit, barely visible, "non of your business." He firmly states, you simply ignore his comment and look back at the others.

"Ghost here isn't a talker, nor does he like most people." Price says as he goes to get everyone another round of beer. "Aw c'mon, Simon. Have a little fun won't ya?" Soap chuckles, once again Ghost simply just looks away, ignoring him.

The rest of the night was spent catching up time. You paid a good handful of the check and on your way out you were face to face with Price after the others went ahead, "hey, why not come with us tonight?" He asked, your eyes widened, "no way! I told you, I'm not ready for that much intensity yet." You reply, your body feeling anxious now. "Kid, I'm not saying you have to, but it would help both you and us out. Ghost and Soap can go get your things and we can go now." Price continued.

"Then my cover will be blown," I say, but Price shakes his head, "you're safe with us, I promise." He smiled, putting his hand on your shoulder. Seeing the look on his face made you calm, and you sighed, "fine, but make it quick."


The sound of men yelling and gunfire awoke you, and outside your window were men training their gun skills. You gasped as you woke up, the sounds almost giving you PTSD flashbacks to your older days. A knock on the door snapped you back to reality. "Oi, open the door." A heavy Manchester accent spoke, and you opened the door to see Ghost, "get ready...Price wants to see you." He said, the man towered over you, he saw the look in your eyes, that fearful look he knew all too well. He closed the door, leaving you to your anxieties.

After a while, you built up enough courage to leave and go find Price, and there he was, standing in a gun range holding a pistol. "Ah! There she is! Woman of the hour!" Price chuckles, you smile and nod, "hello, captain."

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