08 The Last Supper

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The rest of your recovery was the same thing, all of the guys coming over to have a meal before bed, Ghost coming back late, and you cooking him a meal. A part of you liked this, it made you feel happy, safe, and loved.

Tonight was different though, you were out practicing on a run, trying to get your strength back up, when opening the door back home he smell of burnt food caught your attention before opening the door. Quickly you busted the door down and looked around, your eyes landing on Soap throwing away a piece of burnt toast.

"What the hell is going on!?" You asked, the men all looked at you, all of them were there except Ghost, obviously. Price sighed, "well there goes the surprise, boys."

You sighed, walking over to the counter and began helping the boys cook. Alejandro an Price assisted, eventually the meal was made and all the men took a serving.

After a while you began to clean up, non was left for you but you didn't care, as long as they ate you were satisfied.

The men spoke to you about funny stories, events that happened, and even how their day was. Eventually the men all went to bed, all thanking you for your help and for the meal.

You plopped yourself on a chair, resting your arms on the table with your head rested in your arms. The door opened slowly as some familiar footsteps approached you.

You looked up to see Ghost, staring down at you, "have you eaten?" The big man said, you shook your head. Ghost got into the kitchen as you closed your eyes, the smell of grilled cheese woke you up.

The man you knew as grumpy and rude was fixing himself a meal, how helpful. As you watched him put it on a plate instead of eating it himself he put it in front of you. Your eyes widened as the grilled cheese looked good. You took a bite, and god damnit this was the best thing you had tasted in years.

You began to eat it quickly, Ghost watched in shock, making himself a plate and taking a seat next to you, but he didn't eat. When you finished you patted your mouth with a napkin and relaxed.

"Eager son of a bitch, aren't ya?" Ghost said, you nodded, "I haven't eaten all day." You smiled. You took your meal up and began washing it in the sink, Ghost watched carefully, studying everything about you. Your hair, your skin, your clothes, everything.

"You act like a house wife." He scoffed, your eyebrow raised a bit. "Um, I do this because you boys are pigs and can't clean up after yourselves." You cross your arms and face the man, leaning against the sink.

"They don't, I do." He says, you nod, "I guess you're right." You smile a bit, watching the man lift his mask up just above his mouth so he can eat, you instantly close your eyes out of respect.

"Open your eyes, soldier. I don't give a shit." He says, you nod and open them, his eyes stared at you as he ate. "Why did you join the military." He stated, this wasn't a question, it was a demand of an answer.

"Oh, Um...my brother was doing it, it was my only escape from my home." You said, looking down. Ghost nodded, finishing his meal and pulling his mask back down, "oh! Here let me grab you a napkin." You say. "Don't." The man said, your eyes widen, looking over at the man. Ghost gets up, walks right past you and washes his dish, before quickly leaving and going into his room

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