09 Stuck

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"GET DOWN!" Ghost yelled, you dropped to the floor as the gunshots rang out.

Grabbing your vest, he dragged you into a room, locking the door tightly, sealing you two in. You tried to catch your breath, looking over at a bloody Ghost.

"You're...bleeding." You breathed out, he nodded, "just a bullet wound, nothin' too bad." He says, you nod. Ghost grabs a pair of tweezers out from his vest. "We just gotta wait for Price and the others, but for now...."

Ghost began to try and get the bullet out of his arm, you gagged a bit. "Oh shut up, twat. Give me a hand here." He mumbled, sitting down and leaning against the wall. You hesitatingly agreed, taking the tweezers and resting Ghost's arm on your thigh. Gently and carefully you began trying to get the bullet, Ghost grunted in pain loudly, his back arching.

"Easy, it's okay, you're okay." You mumble, ghost stares at you as you gently find the bullet and slowly pull it out, "Fuckin' hell." He groaned as you put the bullet on the floor. You grabbed some stitches and a needle and stitched him up quickly. Bandages were a must have in times like this, you wrapped him up and tied the bandages as he watched.

"Skilled with your hands, that's good." He sighed, you nodded again, "I'm a great shot." You chuckled. Ghost scoffed, but not an annoyed scoff, it kind of sounded like a laugh...

"We'll be here for a while." He stated, "how long?" You asked, "a while." He said again. You sighed and slumped against a wall, leaning your head against it and closing your eyes.

Ghost felt his own arm, "were you a medic at all?" He asked, you shook your head. "Then how come you patched me up this good?" he asked again. "Alex used to get hurt a lot when we were kids, I always made sure to patch him up when he got hurt." You stated.

He stared at you, watching your every move. "You're an idiot for joining." He reminded you. "I know." You replied, waiting to be rescued.

After a few hours Ghost began to pace a bit, worried nobody would come for you two. "Price, do you copy?" He yelled into his radio, even you were getting worried.

"I everyone okay, Lieutenant?" You asked. The tall man looked at you, "price won't pick up." He angrily stated, you sighed, "he's busy." Ghost was angry, slamming his hands down against the wall in anger.

"Chill out! They're probably just stuck!" You shout, the man scoffed again, angry scoff this time. The small light coming in through the room was now going dark, meaning it was night time.

Ghost began trying to get the door open, but failing. "LT, let me try." You say, "fuck off." Ghost replied, pissed. You rolled your eyes and sat back down. Honestly, you couldn't help but stare at the cake in front of you, god damn was this man thick.

You averted your attention away to look at his injury, now bleeding through the bandage. "Ghost, let me get you a new bandage." You say, reaching into your bag. "Stop." He commands, your raise an eyebrow, "I'm getting a bandage." You say. "I don't need it." He said again.

You stand up and go over to him, pointing to his injury. "You see this? This means you're blood is seeping through the bandage and needs to be changed to prevent infection." You sassed.

"Oh, you Bitch." He spoke, calling you a name. You rolled your eyes and grabbed his arm, changing his bandage. He didn't dare look at you now, instead he went back to trying to get out.

You felt your body shiver as the night breeze got through the cracks in the bricks and went against your skin. Ghost gave up, he was in the corner staring at nothing.

Your half asleep body shivered, you were cold to the touch and Ghost took notice. The man went over to you, he gently draped his blood covered scarf over you, warming you up a bit. The sound of the door opening shocked him. He grabbed a gun and pointed it at the door.

"Ghost!" Soap shouted, running over and seeing how cold you both were. "Fuckin hell! What happened?!" Soap shouted, "got locked in." Ghost lied.

You opened your eyes to meet Soap's gaze, only to yawn and sit up. "Hey MacTavish." You smiled, the man shook his head and picked you up, taking you back to camp with himself and Ghost slowly trailing behind.

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