06 Awake

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You awoke with a nasal cannula on your face, your body ached and your head hurt. Gaz was just leaving, you coughed a bit and he turned around, "oh my god!" He shouted, running over and checking on you. "Kyle...?" You mumble, Gaz hugs you, tightly.

"You got hit in the head, Ghost saved you!" He said, trying to keep your attention. "I'm going to get Price." He said before running out the door, you stared at the ceiling until familiar heavy footsteps entered the room, "you're up." A Manchester accent broke you out of your mind.

You slowly looked over to see Ghost standing there, he walked over and inspected your injury, you hissed in pain as he began to check your temperature and shine a light in your eyes.

"Thought we lost you back there, princess." He said, you cringed a bit, "don't call me that." You groaned. Ghost rolled his eyes, "Price treats you like one so that's what I'm calling you." Ghost spoke gently, knowing you had a concussion and probably a major migraine.

"Did we have a successful mission?" You ask, he nodded, "always putting missions over yourself, a woman after my own heart." He said, chucking a bit, you closed your eyes, feeling drained. "C'mon, princess, look at the torch." He says gently, holding a small flashlight up as he shined it in your eyes.

"Simon." You say, your breath heavy. Ghost's eyes stare at you, they were soft and kind towards you in this moment, you didn't get it, how could someone so strict be so kind now?

"Don't say anything, just get some rest." He said, putting the flashlight away and getting up.

"(Y/N)!" Price shouts, running in and seeing you, instantly he began to check up on you, looking over at Ghost, "Is she stable, Simon?" He asks, Ghost nods, "she'll be fine, she just needs a few naps." The masked man says.

Soon the whole task force was in there, even Alejandro, who had proper medics check in with you.

You napped while they all were there, discussing what to do with you like this. Eventually you got a fever, making your body become cold. Price noticed and sighed, "which one of you wants to be a man and stay here with here, making sure she won't freeze to death." He said, non of the boys answered, "Simon, you do it." Price said, Simon's eyes widened, "no." He said simply, price shook his head a bit, "you're going to have to do it, non of us can." He said, sighing.

After a small argument the men left, leaving Ghost alone with you. Somehow seeing you in pain was almost as bad as feeling the pain. Your body flinched and shivered, eventually Ghost couldn't stand it anymore, he took his shirt off and put it on you, warming you up. Ghost was a big man with a lot of body heat so that shirt warmed you up real quick.

Ghost stared at you, who needs sleep anyway? His undershirt was a fitted t-shirt that showed a lot off. Your eyes were sunken in and your face was pale, making you seem dead. Don't worry, he checked every ten minutes.

Ghost eventually realized that you would keep getting cold, this was a fever after all. He laid down in bed with you hesitantly, wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm until the others came back.

Your body flinched when he did, still fast asleep. "Easy, Princess." He mumbled, he liked that name on you, spoiled and favorited, that's what he saw you as. But now he began to see you in a new way.

You were a real person to him, he saw you as someone who wasn't a target or an enemy. You were (Y/N), someone who was kind to him. Someone as evil as him.

He signed, "what are you doing to me..."he said, gently laying his head on the pillow next to you, holding you close as he drifted off to sleep.

Soap definitely came in afterwards and took some pictures, some blackmail for later on. Funny blackmail.

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