03 The Past

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The smell of Christmas pine woke you up, next to a fire was a younger version of your brother. "Alex?" you asked, the young boy smiled and turned around, "hey! (Y/N)!" He said, "aren't you excited for Santa?" He chucked, you nodded, you looked around, and recognized the place as your mother's living room.

Alex smiled and grabbed a Christmas present, handing it to you, "what did you ask Santa for this year?" The young child asked, you shrugged "I dunno, maybe a skateboard." You smiled, you felt safe here, "what did you ask for, Alex?" You smiled, "oh nothing really! I just wrote down some questions I had for you! We can make a game out of it!" He chucked you smiled and nodded.

"Okay, question one, who's your favorite brother?" He chuckled, "you! Duh!" You smiled, your voice sounding more childlike with each work you speak.

"Next question, what is our dogs name?" You had to think for a second, "Rex" you smiled, he was a German Shepard your mom had gotten you and Alex when you were 12.

"Okay, third question!" Alex smiled, you waited for the question eagerly.

"Why did you let me die?"

Your face went pale, "Um, what?" You asked, Alex stared at you, his voice became more manly, so did his physical appearance, half of his face began to melt off, "YOU LET ME DIE!" He shouted.

"No! No! I didn't!" You began to cry, "I wanted to go back I did! But I couldn't!" You shouted as Alex began to melt away. You closed your eyes, not wanting to see this anymore.

"I TOLD YOU NO! SHE'S MY DAUGHTER, TOO!" Your father yelled at the door, your mother was angry, Alex and you didn't have the same father, but his was always there for him, your father had always been drunk and abusive.

"Please stop yelling! It's my week with her! You can't take her!" Your mother yelled, as you opened your eyes you were a child again, cowering in fear behind your mother. You watched your father slap your mom, knocking her to the floor, he picked you up and left, slamming the door behind him.

You sat in your dads truck as he chugged a beer while driving, throwing the bottle out the window once finished. "Daddy, where are we going?" You asked, "hunting." Your father spoke, you anxiously looked out the window, staring at the night sky.

Your father parked the truck by the woods and took you out of the car, he stumbled over to a deer by the side of the road, the Deer twitched, it had obviously been hit. "Put a bullet in its skull." Your dad spoke, you stared at it and shakily held up the gun.

Gunshot fire awoke you once again, only this time in different circumstances, "WAKE UP, SOLDIER!" You hear Ghost yell, grabbing onto a gun you begin to shoot at people attacking your car, Price was right, after 3 years of not touching a gun was you were still amazing at shooting.

You reached over and grabbed the last grenade in the box "Last grenade!" Ghost shouts, "I know." You say, pulling the lever aiming it towards a large group of people, as it explodes you watch it get the majority of them. Ghost looks over at you in shock before going back to shooting.

After wiping them all out you put your gun away, the tip was smoking hot from how much you used it, Ghost put his away and looked at you, "what the fuck was that." He demanded, you looked at him in confusion, "you could've gotten us killed." His eyes narrowed at you.

You simply just shook your head, "I know what I'm doing Lieutenant." You put your gun in a safe spot as Ghost grabbed you, "that was our last grenade!" He shouts, "we have weapons! We would've have been able to take all of them down at once!" You shout back, Ghost lets you go, staring at you with malice and hate.

"Piss off, go back to sleep." Ghost snaps, you roll you eyes and lay back down in the truck, closing your eyes. As you laid down ghost caught sight of a giant scar on your arm, "the hell is that?" He asks, you turn your head and look at the scar, "I shot myself when I was 10, it was an accident." You state, Ghost stares a bit, "by accident?" He repeats.

You roll over and nod, "yes, good job, Simon, now do you want a cookie and gold star for that?" You state like the bitch you are. "Fuck off, bastard." Simon says, his eyes not breaking any eye contact.

Gaz and Price were in another truck, Soap and Alejandro were the last one which meant you were stuck with this sociopath for the next two days as you all made it to the base camp. As you began to doze off into sleep once more you felt his cold eyes burning into your back, it left you with an uneasy feeling.

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