05 Failed Attempt

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Loading your shot gun, you began to take out enemies left and right, Ghost was impressed. The smell of gasoline and smoke filled your nose, bringing you back to that day, the day you lost Alex.

"Clear!" You yell as you finish scoping out a room, The 141 begin to look around the room, then moving along quickly. You felt powerful, something you hadn't felt in ages.

"Soap! Scan the area! Ghost! Scope the next room out!" You say, Ghost glares at you, "I don't take orders from you." He says, you scoff a bit.

As you travel by yourself you travel upstairs, hearing a thud you turn around and see a man come up from behind you. He attempts to stab your neck but you just barely dodge, leaving a deep cut.

The man grabs you and tackles you, he was yelling in another language and began to raise his knife to stab you again along with a cinder brick. Before you could tell for help the man ripped your head gear off and hits you over the head, knocking you out. Once the man realized you were a woman he got a worse idea.

The man grabbed you and tried to tie you up, dragging you to the window. As the window opened three shots rang out, all three going through the man's skull.

"SHIT! I NEED BACKUP SHE'S BLOODY!" Ghost yelled, putting his gun away and running over, looking at your bleeding head. "MACTAVISH! PRICE! GARRICK!" Ghost yelled, knowing they were too busy fighting downstairs. He panicked, grabbing a cloth from off the table and pressing it against your head to stop the bleeding.

You're face was pallor, you were loosing blood fast. Ghost tuned into his radio, "(L/N) is injured! I need back up I'm getting her out of here!" He yelled, picking you up and carrying you, your head rested against his shoulder.

He took you out of the building and into a car, where he grabbed a first aid kid and began tending to your wounds. "Idiot! You should've stayed with us!" He shouted. Your body didn't respond, for all he knew you could be dead, but he knew how much you meant to Price.

"Stupid Bitch." He said, wrapping your head in gauze and wraps. Price came bursting in, scared out of his mind. "Shit!" He shouted, grabbing the cloth and tending to you, Ghost let him work his magic.

You woke up minutes later, Alejandro was driving home and Gaz was holding your head still, he shined a light in your eyes and sighed, "major concussion, not lookin good." He muttered.

"Kyle, where am I...?" You mumbled hoarsely. Gaz rested your head on a makeshift pillow, made from shirts and rags from the car.

Price watched you, in a panic. He rested his hand on your arm. "You did well, kid." Price spoke, Ghost sat next to him, angry.

"Bloody bastard tried to make his way off with her when he saw she was a girl, sick bastard." Ghost said, staring at the window with his arms crossed. "Thank you, Simon." Price said, Ghost simple nodded.

"(Y/N), can you hear me?" Price asked, you nodded. "Ghost saved you." He said, his voice gentle. All you could do was nod again, resting your head against the seat, you began to doze off, hearing a soft, "goodnight." From next to you.

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