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Why not start off with some good old smut?

Logan pulled at Romans shirt, not removing his own. Down came Romans trousers, followed by his boxers. Logan was now in Roman's shirt, and Roman in his boxer shorts. They were both on the floor, on top of a duvet. It was a very cold night out, but neither cared for it as they kissed each other passionately.
Roman took hold of Logan's trousers, trying to pull them down. "You can wait." Logan commanded. He took off his tie and secured Romans hands to the headboard. He traced his tongue down Romans shirtless chest, down to his erection. "please..." Roman begged, looking up into Logan's eyes. Logan smiled, and placed his lips against Romans. "Patience, my dear." Logan removed his shirt and removed his pants. He grabbed Romans wrists again and guided him to lay on his stomach. Logan climbed between Romans legs and sat back. He slowly entered Romans body until he reached his balls. "Oh god! Please... don't stop!" Roman pleaded with Logan. Logan smiled again, kissing Romans neck, sucking on his nipples. "you're so wet, baby." Logan said as he moved his hips faster. Logan began to thrust harder, faster, deeper. Roman moaned loudly as Logan filled him completely. "Logan!" Roman begged for mercy. "Not yet, I still have something to give you." Logan told Roman as he kissed his back. He gently pushed Romans shoulders until Roman lay face first on his bed. "Please... Logan, please..." Roman cried. Logan kissed Romans ass, moving his hips faster.
"Shh, my love. Don't worry." Logan whispered before taking Romans cock into his mouth and began to bob his head as he stroked Roman back. He sucked, licked, and bit Roman until Roman was begging, crying, moaning for more. Logan took Roman's cock in his hand and started to pump it, rubbing it in circles, working himself on purpose. Logan took Roman's cock fully inside of his mouth, sucking, licking, flicking with his tongue, pulling at Romans shaft. Roman bucked his hips, pushing himself on Logan's face. Logan continued to pump Roman as Roman came, cumming all over his face and chest. Logan quickly cleaned himself off before getting Roman on his feet. He held his arms open and kissed him.
"I want you." Roman whispered. "Later, my darling. Right now we need to shower and get some sleep." Logan kissed Roman's cheek before leading Roman towards the bathroom. He turned on the shower and opened the curtains. "Now what do you say?" Logan asked Roman. "I say I love you." Roman answered with a smile. "Then you better get ready." Logan teased. Roman laughed and took the towel off the hook. "Can I help?" Roman asked Logan as he began drying himself off. Logan nodded and smiled. Roman wrapped the towel around himself before reaching out for Logan's hand. He led Logan to his room and shut the door behind him.
They lay together on the bed watching cartoons, cuddling as close as possible. Roman had fallen asleep after an episode of Star Wars and Logan couldn't blame him. He yawned softly and stretched out, falling asleep himself.
Roman rolled onto his side, turning his face away from Logan who had woken up about ten minutes earlier. He sighed deeply, wrapping an arm tightly around Logan. Logan woke up at that moment and snuggled closer to Roman, letting him continue to hug him.

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