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Hey guys! Thank you so much for all the attention this has been getting. I didn't expect it to get this far! This chapter is more inspired by the song :)
Collage AU
Jenny by the studio killers
Triggers: none
Remus paced back and forth. He knew that he could not wait any longer. Patron would swoop in and take him away. He had the plan. Three easy peasy steps. Get him in the library. Read a few chapters. Play the song.

With such a small gesture, Remus was sure to have won. Waves of sickness rumbled in his stomach as the big dark oak double doors swung open. There he was. Slouched over in a ball, his long hair sweeping over his eyes that glistened in fear. "Woah there, buddy. Just me. Sir said I could join you... If that's okay with you..."

The teen blankly stared ahead. "Virgil..?" With a jerk backwards, Virgil's eyes glued onto Remus. "Can I sit with you for a bit...?"
The emo made no response but thanks to the perks of ADHD, the green haired teen could see the open body language as an invite to sit down.
There was a rustle as Virgil scribbled down a small paragraph. It read: " Sorry if I seem spacy I've just been under a ton of stress and anxiety lately and won't be speaking much. Other than that do what you want. :/"
Remus read the words a few times, letting them sink in. Maybe now isn't a good time to ask? Maybe it was? It was too hard to know. Too late to turn back.
" if you wanna talk, you can, but no worries if you don't. I'm here."
Vigil smiled and nodded. It was a smile but it wasn't his smile. It was different. In the way it didn't quite reach his sad, tired eyes. In the way that it was only half there. "do you want some music on, Vee?"
There was a small nod in reply. Remus had known the emo for most of his life. He had become almost fluent in the non-verbal language.
Deciding on a first song was hard. Eventually, his fingers found the gentle piano music from a video game. (totally not mincraft)

"Hey. Vee?" his voice faltered for a minute. "You are my best friend, and I'd like to think you'd say the same thing about me," he observed as his freinds sat a bit straighter. "I don't know if this is the right time to say this but... I want to be... More than just friends... Only if that's what you want... Fuck I dont even know if you like guys. But I had to tell you. Even if it ruined our friendship."

Virgil sat agonisingly still. He knew that Re would be analysing every movement. Deep down he knew what he felt. Did he need the extra pressure? Or would a boyfriend help? He was in fact, straight... As a roundabout. So not at all. But could be say yes? Could he find his voice?
He focused real hard on the words he needed to say. He opened his mouth. And with a deep breath... No words came out. Shit! I need another way.

He thought back to the words that had been spoken to him not five minutes ago. They kinda reminded him of a song. He grabbed his phone, frantically searching for it. Through 85 hours worth of songs. A thousand musical melodies later, he found it, jamming his thumb on the play button.

Jenny darling.. The lyrics began. Remus knew what his answer was. He felt ready to cry. His best friend had just... Become his boyfriend. He couldn't comprehend how lucky he was.

Ten years down the line, the pair were happily married with two kids. The eldest was a shy kid called Janus and the youngest was a curious, we'll mannered boy by the name of logan.

Amd they lived happily ever after.

Or did they?

I'm jus kidding.

Am I...?

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