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Idk how to describe this one. Angsty fluff? Fluffy angst? I don't know. Enjoy!

Roman pov
the others haven't noticed. They're too busy faffing around Anx and Thomas. Logan is calming Thomas. Janus is helping Virgil. Even Remus was being useful.
I just linger. Eventually I sink out, knowing nobody will notice. I know where Pattons door is, he is a light side. I'm walking to his door. When I find it's not there. He must have moved it...
But there's only one place it could have gone...

  The darkside...

"Oh shit, Patton. What have you done...?"
I sink out and appear in the darkside. And there's his door...
Blue with grey love harts and puppy prints. I knock. "Dad..?"

No answer. I knock again. "Patton! This isn't funny!" Still no answer.
I sigh. It'll be easy enough to sneak in.
Chapter 2
My hand hovers over the doorknob. But what if he's in there? What if he doesn't want me here?! What if he doesn't want to see me?! My mind is racing. But then again, maybe he does.
Maybe Patton would want my help. Or maybe he'd want my sympathy. Maybe he'd want someone to talk to. Maybe he needs me.
With a shaky breath, I push open the door.
Nothing. Just a dark room that screams empty. A bed frame lays discarded on the floor. Blankets are thrown haphazardly on the bed, some stained with red. A black dress shirt is laying crumpled near a window.
Then I hear faint crying. I run to the source of the sound. There's the bathroom door ajar. I slip inside.
A small figure lays curled up under the shower, clutching at their chest. Water soaks their hair and clothes. Their eyes are squeezed shut, they look terrified. As though they've been beaten.
This wasn't the Patton I knew.
He's trembling and whimpering. His breathing quickens. Then he falls limp against the tub.
"Pat?" I reach forward cautiously, trying not to startle him. I pick him up and hold him close. His body is still hot to the touch. I gently lay him back down. He's eyes flutter open slightly.
"Ro..." He murmurs softly. His voice breaks. He reaches out and grabs my wrist. His grip is weak and trembling.
"Hey Pat. It's okay. You're safe." I stroke his cheek and lean in. His tears wet my cheeks. He shook his head. "Not.... Safe.... Here.... You... Go..." he managed to pant out the warning. I state at him. "No Pat. I'm not going without you." I tug on his hand. He makes no move to follow. I scoop him up, cradling him against my heartbeat. It took a whole lot more effort to sink out than usual but I managed. I appear in my room. It's pristine as it always is. I lay Patton on my white bedsheets and watch as he instantly curls up, protecting his head. I realise that I can't help him. I need someone else. Virgil....
"Hey, Pat. I'm going to go but I'll be back with your strange dark son." I say, hoping to ignite something of his old self. But he didn't react. I slowly sink out.
Virgil pov
I'm in my room. The whole panic attack has left me feeling like trash. It hit Thomas even worse. I'm just about to fall asleep when Princey sinks up and grabs my arm. "No time to explain. Emergency"

He drags down as he sinks down. I follow him and we appear in his room. It takes a moment to adjust to the brightness but when I do, I rush to dad's side. "Patton?" I ask tentatively. "Patton. Can you hear me?" He is shaking badly is sweating a shit ton. He nods his head a little. "Good, now Patton, I'm going to sit you on my knee, okay?" He moves his hands slightly away from his head. I slowly put my hand on his shoulder.  He flinches violently, but nods again.
I carefully place my other hand on his other shoulder. I slowly begin rocking, holding him closely. He's sobbing by now. His face is buried into my shoulder. Tears stream down my neck and soak my shoulder.
"Shhh.... Shh.. It's okay... Patton" I whisper comfortingly. His breathing evens out and he slowly relaxes his grip. After a minute or two, he lifts his head. His eyes are filled with sorrow and guilt.
"What happened?" I ask quietly.
"I tried to take care of them... I thought I could keep Thomas safe..." He whispers.
It all started with a lie...
Chapter 3
Logan pov 
I love logic and I try hard to understand Thomas. I often finds myself questioning why things are happening as they are or how I can fix them. But when it comes to emotion and feelings, I am often confused. I feel conflicted and I find that my emotions are more powerful than I expected.
And I know this because I have felt them before.
The feeling when Patton first kissed me. It made me feel... Happy. But then he said it was nothing. It's okay. I'm okay.
I am reading my book. Roman bursts in the door. "Salutations, Roman. How can I help you?"
He pants as if he had ran. "Patton... Darkside... New dark... Orange..."
Oh shit.

Patton pov
Virgils heartbeat lulls me into sleep. But dreams keep me awake. I fly back to just before Thomas had the severe panic attack. I'm almost losing my cool. My voice is teetering between a shout and my normal tone. I am pressuring him to give his recent payrise to charity. Just the difference from his old one. And he is fighting back. But I keep telling him what to do. Then he descends into a panic attack and I'm too blind to notice so I keep shouting. When I realise what I've done, I summon the others but disappear before they get here. Then I moved my door to the Darkside. I did hurt Thomas so that makes me a dark side.
I stay in my room.
That's when the faceless creature stalks in I freeze. "Hello~"
I shoot up. Virgil holds me close. It was just a dream...

Roman comes back in. "Hey Virge? Thank you for helping Pat." He takes me from Virgil and tells him he should sleep. I will too.
Roman pov.
Virgil leaves and I'm left alone with Patton. He's sleeping on my bed. I pull the blankets up to his chin. I kiss him and lay down next to him.
"You're safe now."
Patton pov.
Roman thinks I'm asleep. I know he does. He is curled up next to me. He is so darn cute. His breath slows and I know he is sleeping. "Roman..." I say, knowing that he can't hear me," I love you..."  He stirs a little bit. His breathing changes and he pulls me closer, resting his face on my chest. I smile softly.
It feels good to wake up next to him. It feels good to hold him like this. It feels good to have him with me.
Roman pov
I woke up with a gasp. A nightmare. But when I opened my eyes, everything was fine. Well, except for the fact that Patton was asleep on top of me. So, I pushed him off gently. I stood up and walked out of my room.
He's so damn cute.
I walk downstairs and I can hear Logan talking. "You must not understand the importance of the situation." I chuckle as I listen to Logan ramble on.
Patton wakes up.  We stare at each other silently for a while. "Roman?" he asks quietly, his voice scratchy.
I nod. "Yeah, Pat? What's up?"
His expression softens and he sits up. He runs his fingers through his hair. He looks nervous, anxious. He bites at his lip.
"Are... You free?  I think I have something to tell you..."
"Sure, Pat! What is it?" He doesn't seem satisfied with that answer. I sit down beside him. "What's wrong?"
"Well, um, you see..." he trails off. "I uh... I have something to tell you." He looks scared. He's fidgeting with his hands. I wait patiently.
"So, um... I think I might have a crush..." he mutters so quietly I barely catch it. His face is bright red.
I grin widely. "Really? That's great Pat!"
He looks up at me in shock.
"Do... You know who it is?" he asks.
I shake my head.
He leans closer and whispers, " Its you, Roman."

I blush furiously and look away. He giggles nervously and tugs on his sleeves.
I'm speechless.
"Wanna come over today? I wanted to show you somethin'." He sounds nervous. I nod enthusiastically. I smile.

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