Poor Patton

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I'm not sorry. I cried writing this.

Patton hasn't been seen in days. Trays of food have been left at his door, untouched. Virgil sat outside his door. "Dad.... You don't have to come out. Just say something. Please."
He was begging now, leaning against the door.
A light came on behind him, and Virgil turned around to see Logan standing next to him. He was pale, his eyes red rimmed from crying. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. So he closed it again, tears forming in his eyes. He turned away and left.
Inside his room, Patton hunched on his bed. He had no idea how long he had been in there for. Hunger clawed at his insides. Thirst deluded his mind. He could hear something outside of his room and he knew that it meant him harm.

It was fear.

Virgil knocked again. "I'm worried, Dad. Please. Just make a noise or something. Please don't be dead."
Patton heard the noise again. It hissed and pounded against the door.
Then the sound bubbled.
Outside, virgil sobbed. Hard.
Patton would recognise that sound anywhere. He stood up, ignoring the pain in his entire body.  Slowly opening the door, he found himself face to face with Virgil, his arms wrapped around himself, shoulders shaking. He looked absolutely shattered. "V... Virg?" Patton asked softly.
"Oh thank god," Virgil breathed before launching himself into Patton's arms. "You're okay. Thank God you're alright!" His sobs turned into hiccups. He held on tightly. "You were gone so long..."
"V, it's okay," Patton said softly, running his fingers through Virgil's hair. "I'm here."
And then he saw him. The man standing behind Virgil, his back to Patton. It was Logan. And he was crying. Patton felt the guilt inside of him. He backed away, trying to get back into his room. The hunger and dehydration took hold and he passed out.

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