Terushima x Semi

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Once again the wife has chosen...
Also just for reference she doesn't know what she chooses, she picks numbers 😂

Do yall like when my wives choose?

This one will have a bit of a harder subject so warning ⚠️ Coming out⚠️ I know it's hard for most and it shouldn't be but that's how our society is unfortunately. But know it's ok! ❤️


Know specifically for this I won't even tolerate jokes about the subject they will be deleted.


Semi POV

My cheek burned, a red handprint now adorning my cheek. My chest felt tight and tears streamed down my face, making the pain on the right cheek worse.

I don't understand why the reacted that way? They always said I could talk to them about anything and it would be ok; until now.

I gripped my short tight balling the material in my fists, knuckles turning white. All my parents did was yell at me, tell me how wrong it was and how I shouldn't like such a thing. Hiding it for so long was exhausting, but I wasn't sure how they'd really react to it. There's nothing wrong, their just overreacting.

Getting up from my place at the table I walked away, wiping the tears beginning to put on my shoes. Taking off down the street I ran eventually stopping. The rain continued its assault, cold seeping into my bones causing me to shiver.

Leaning against the brick wall, I sat with my head between my legs. I was greatful for the rain; drowning out the sounds of my crying and rain drops mixing with tears.

Suddenly I wasn't getting soaked anymore, glancing up I saw a man holding an umbrella over us. He leaned down to my level, brown eyes filled with curiosity. His voice was sweet like honey "shorts and no jacket? Hold this" he handed me the umbrella.

"No no I couldnt-" he picked me up, laying my head on his chest I let his steady heartbeat and footsteps lull me to sleep.

Snuggling into the warmed I signed in content, but realizing the events of last night my eyes opened. Looking around I could definitely tell this wasn't my room not the clothes I was wearing were mine.

The door creaked open, those brown eyes again. He came in, a bowl in one hand and glass in another. Setting the food down he waited for me to eat. Setting his hand against my forehead he smiled a bit.

"Let's get you into the shower" he handed me a towel and showed me everything, letting me know he'd be close by. I did as he wanted, washing myself I felt much better. Drying off I realized there were no clothes, not wanting to sift through the drawers I went to find the male.

He stood in the kitchen cooking when I found him "I'm sorry but I wasn't wondering if I could get some clothes or my clothes" the male came back with some clothes "If you don't mind me asking, why we're you crying?"

Sighing he rubbed the back of his neck starting to apologize. I told him why and turned away, I waited for the insults; the disgust but it never came. Warm arms embraced me as he whispered to me, letting me know nothing was wrong with it and let me know I could stay as long as I needed or wanted to.

The next words surpised me "Maybe you can stay as something else" he winked, walking away to finish whatever it was he was cooking.

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