Chapter 18

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POV: Sumner

Sloan dodged Deacon's fist easily, landing a blow of her own against his ribs before spinning out of his reach. He grunted but recovered quickly, squaring off with her again on the mat.

"Damnnn," I drawled. "Sloan's got moves, y'all."

She'd fought Reed before this and was starting to look exhausted after fifteen minutes with the largest member of our cohort. But no one could deny that she was holding her own, especially for someone without much formal training. Her instincts were natural.

"Can't argue that," Deacon conceded, wincing. "Most people my size aren't as fast as you, sweetness. But it'll take an incredible number of hits to bring them down. If your stamina isn't up to par, eventually a larger opponent will just wear you down."

He lunged at her, and she side-stepped him, panting heavily from the effort. Deacon pivoted at the last second, looping his arms around her waist and bringing her with him as they went down. Ever the gentlemen, he took the brunt of the fall, shifting her onto his chest right before they landed with a resounding thud.

"Point..." she dragged in a breath, "taken."

Deacon helped her onto her feet as he stood.

"I need a break," she said putting her hands on her hips and coming to stand next to me. Avery wasted no time taking her place.

"Fine," Deacon replied, his eyes heating at her flippant attitude. I knew he had a brat kink, but he wasn't usually so damn obvious about it. "Tomorrow you'll fight three of us back-to-back without stopping, then we'll work on that punch. You may not need much stamina once you can take someone down with a single hit."

I became keenly aware of Sloan's proximity to me as we watched the guys spar in silence for a bit. As if sensing where my mind was, she turned to me and grinned. "Hey, Sum."

I was glad to see that most of her initial anger and hurt from earlier had subsided with the grueling exercise regimen.

"Hey, sunshine."

"What are you up to later?"

My heart soared at the question. "I have a gig in the evening, but otherwise, I'm free as a bird."

She frowned. "Oh? I thought you guys were off today?"

"Everyone but me." I shrugged, giving her a bland smile. "There was a last minute opening at the Hotel Monteleone."

I'd rolled my eyes when I saw the text from our singer directly after entering the training room. I didn't need the money, but if my band wanted to get booked again or potentially replace their regular entertainment, we had to show them that we were a reliable alternative.

"Can I come watch?" She bit her lip, and it was insanely adorable. It also made me want to kiss her. "I guess I should ask Deacon if I'm supposed to work tonight."

"Go," he barked, apparently eavesdropping on our conversation as he faced off against Avery again. "Take the night off and have some fun while you're at it." He winked at me, and Avery used the distraction to his advantage, uppercutting Deacon.

Sloan grimaced, taking a small step forward like she wanted to nurse D or stop him and Avery from laying into each other again.

"You should take her to that creole restaurant down the street first," Reed suggested.

I looked down at my watch. "Not sure there's time. I need at least forty-five minutes to set up and go over the set list with the band, and I haven't even gotten on the mat yet."

"You can always duck out early to show Sloan around." Reed's eyes darted pointedly to the two men wrestling. "Unless you really want to stay here."

I had no desire to be sore and exhausted for my set, especially not with Sloan in the audience, but I didn't know if she felt up for a busy evening. She'd been through a lot over the last couple of days, including the revelation about her dad.

I looked at her then. "Lady's choice."

Her smile turned mischievous as she looped her arm through my elbow. "Let's blow this popsicle stand." Excitement filled me as she led me back toward the living room. Once we were out of earshot, she exclaimed, "Thank god. I couldn't handle another second of warring testosterone."

I chuckled. "So that's why you're so excited right now. I should've known."

"No, that isn't why I'm excited, Sumner." She stopped and turned to face me, gazing at me in a way that made me feel like we were the only two people in existence. Gently, she reached up, scratching my beard with her fingernails, and I had to will my dick stay down. "I want to spend some alone time with you. I also genuinely want to see you perform. You were so good in high school."

I nuzzled into her touch, too enamored by this multifaceted creature to speak. I hadn't seen her in what felt like a lifetime. I still couldn't believe I'd failed her so egregiously, that I hadn't scoured the earth for her.

"Will you show me around the city? I'd love to see New Orleans through your eyes, especially since it's your hometown."

My chest melted with the knowledge that Sloan wanted to know more about this place because she believed it meant something to me. She'd probably never explored the cities she lived in prior to now, always keeping her head low before taking off again. It couldn't have been easy for her, and I cherished her desire to take that leap with me of all people.

"Technically, I only lived here until I was seven, sunshine. But sure, I'd love to show you some spots before we head to the hotel." My lips met hers briefly in a chaste kiss. "Maybe when we both have a day off, I can give you the full tour."

"I'd love that, Sum." I followed her up the stairs, and she paused again when we got to my floor. Even in a t-shirt and workout shorts, she was breathtaking. I wanted to lick the sweat from every inch of her body. I thought she might kiss me this time, but what she said next took me by surprise. "Last one to the living room has to buy the first round."

She'd always been so competitive, this fierce, beautiful woman, and so had I. It was one of the things I'd missed most about her—the way she pushed me and each of the guys to reach our true potential through these little games. After she'd died, we still competed with one another, especially when it came to sparring, but it just wasn't the same without Sloan.

As a dude, time was on my side in terms of showering and changing. That gleam in her verdant eyes caused me to second guess myself though. It didn't matter either way. Not when I couldn't say no to Sloan. She'd been here less than a week, and she already had me wrapped around her little finger.

I lifted my chin in challenge. "You're on, sunshine. Make me wait too long, and I just might have to bend you over my knee and spank you."

I crowed as she took off up the stairs, her cheeks stained bright red as she ran full speed with Misha hot on her heels.

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