Scene 4

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(Close up of her face)
Her smile begins to fade as she sits in the middle of her excited family.
Her smile fades slowly until its completely gone.

(Back shot shifting into side shot)
She gets up and goes for a walk to a spot where she can see everything.its a roof top.

(Wide shot from the top of a building)
It feels like a view of life. the busy town, people rushing. cars filling up the roads, noise from honking and people going at it, street people playing a game of cards in a corner.
Just like that for no specific reason. she sits there for so long that the scene fast forwards and everything is moving in fast motion but her. she sits there motionless.

JANE (Background voice): I take a minute to enjoy it but its downhill from there I start to feel this emptiness around reminded why I want to be someone in the first place.its because im not at peace im messed up.something about this life of mine is not enough .something about my existence is not important.i don't really matter and it doesn't really matter.u get it. things -begin- to- loose- meaning

(Back and side shot)
Finally when its dark she gets up and goes to the first motel she sees.she pulls out all the money she has In her pocket.its two thousand .five hundred and fourty .its not much she gets herself a room and just lies there up until the next day at around two.

we see the clock on the old rusty wall with paint peeling off Moving from night to day to afternoon.She hasnt moved.

"Room service" the old lady who owns the place is banging on the door but its not too loud its faint in the background as if she has earphones on. her expression is blank.

(ariel view of her lying on the bed) the motel looks disgusting .it stinks.its dirty.she didn't even bother getting in the bed.Shes ontop of the covers

JANE (background voice):It's the darkest thing about life. i start to think about how easy it would be if I just quit. how fullling it would be for me to walk out of my life just like that for no specific reason. i just, its not worth it anymore.why do people still do it.what keeps them excited.sometimes I dream that im dead.

"Room service" After no response, the old lady walks in. Carefully acessing the girl on the bed thinking shes dead or collapsed. when shes walked in toward her close enough to feel for a pulse, she suddenly asks

" do you have a vending machine?"

The old lady jumps back and lets out a sharp shriek. Covering her mouth and clutching her heart with the other hand.jane smirks for a second.
She forces herself up and walks out of the room not even waiting for an answer.the old lady is left freaking out and cursing while Jane walks out with that dead glare in her eyes.

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