Scene 8

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(side and back shots)
Theyr shift ends and they collect theyr days pay at the managers office and ran out as fast as they can with melanie pulling jane.

JANE(background voice):and I start.

(Wide shot of the area)
They get to this joint "under the stars" its a karaoke bar. Looks Like a barn yard with the roof open. Doors open. Haystacks for seats. pallets and barrels for tables. It feels like a barbecue too there was meat on grills and cold beers.  people from all over the world like a tourist stop.
melanie went on stage after chugging a full brown bottle. jane looked nervous hoping she doesnt embarass them

(Swift shift shot)
next thing you know melanie calls her to the stage putting her on the spot. Crowd cheering her on. Then jane is dancing and theyr singing karaoke on stage.
Later They had a few ribs when the hype died down.
And went to lie on the grass staring at the stars. there was someone on stage singing with a guitar some vance joy song.

JANE(background voice): and im doing halfway into it.

(shot of the person on stage.)
(shot of the sky)
(Ariel shot of melanie and jane)
Jane is happy smiling then she closes her eyes and her smile starts to fade she looks over to melanie. shes lively. jane likes that about her. she was nodding her head to the beat and tapping her feet eyes closed like the music was carrying her away.she was singing this one line that she knew. ANYWHERE I GO THERE U ARE

(Low side angle shot)
jane gets up clears the grass and creases off her clothes barely getting all of them and begins to walk away in a zombie mode and throws away her empty bottle of beer.

JANE(background voice):im doing good.then my mind begins to pull back almost like rejecting these new things.
like im just being stupid and that its just making a fool of myself.this doubt pulls me all the way back into the dark space in my mind.

(Side shot)
She notices a beautiful red convertible with the keys left in the ignition the owner nowhere to be found. She walks over to it to admire it touching its sides delicately and running her finger all around it while peeping inside. Those beautiful bucket seats.
She looks around and sees no one within close range. She slyly gets in and switches it on.

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