Scene 15

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(At Street event by UN to raise awareness of how precious life is)

(audience point of view.wide shot that slowly zooms in on the group on stage)

They sing together on this huge stage in the middle of the street. Blocking the roads for blocks and using the space for the event. The UN was raising awareness that all life is precious. showing how many countries are going through it from hunger, war. mental health Suicide.
really powerful images.
theres beautiful street lights and love in the atmosphere.its an extreme high.

(while theyr on stage.the scene flashes back)

We see flashing images of the guy and jane getting close to eachother. him pulling her close, his arms around her waist. them kissing. them having beautiful little moments .fooling around .walking arm in arm in the streets laughing talking and she runs up behind him and jumps on his back.hes annoyed so he chases her.
she pulls him to this cute little shop and they stare at an old couple being sweet with eachother.the guy looks at her and smiles.and hugs her from behind.they sway from side to side.the shot drops to their feet.

(the scene goes back to them on stage)
They sing facing eachother like theyr singing to each other.moving to the beat and it looks really intimate between the group on stage.

(scene changes to a flash back of the group memories)

Theyr practicing theyr music in the bus. someones spitting some mad bars. everyone is so deep in it when one guy throws something at the one whose really feeling the music to distract them.
then it turns into a playful fight throwing stuff around messing the bus up.

scene shifts to that one time they were playing paint ball fights in a junkyard full of broken down cars that have been abandoned.
To The whole group seating ontop of the bus covered in blankys watching the sun rise.

Then to the group singing, sitting on wooden chairs on the porch of an old peoples home. one of them singing and the rest of them tapping theyr knees, one playing the gituar. others closing theyr eyes feeling the beat. swaying. the guy is leaning on a wall. jane leaning on him and him hugging her from behind.

(scene goes back to them jammimg on stage)
full body waving movement. interacting with the audience and the shot changes from one that is focused on just them on stage to one that is wide. Capturing the they sing along to the song and pair up to dance with eachother)

(Scene goes back into memory lane)
the two of them.jane and the guy .his arms slowly rounding her waist. theyr lips touching and a fast 360 shot of them kissing. her hands on his face. when they pull out of the kiss, her eyes stay closed as theyr foreheads touch.

To when Jane seems off and she tells him 'her truth'
Jane: I don't know how to be with myself how can I be with you.(her eyes still closed) Jane walks away breaking off the relationship.

(separate shot of the Guy On his own) he wants to ask why but its her truth and he has to take it. we see him on his own agonizing over it. holding his head in his hands squatting down to the ground then falling to a seated position, picks a bottle close to him and throws it with anger. Lets out an under his breath fuck as the camera zooms out on him.then he looks up and away giving it up.Accepting that he's loosing her for good.

(back on stage as the song comes to an end.the crowd loosing themselves to the feeling. The group huddles together for an emotional hug. some are silent crying.)

(scene skips to when they've left the stage .Ariel shot)
Jane says goodbye to the group and begins to walk away she leaves them behind. They watch her leave.
a few seconds later they turn around and head to their bus

and her voice echoes

"I don't know how to be with myself. how can I be with you."

JANE(Background voice): i remain quiet thinking and thinking. Then i go back to thinking fall back. Fuck ur art just play ur part. I should be doing something more important with my life. make a difference in peoples lives, be a genius build things, make a break through. And I actually start progressing in this more serious way of living. sound farmiliar? im back up in the clouds where it all highest point.

JANE(background voice): and then im all the way doing all the things. im trying im fighting im giving it my all but its never enough
Everything always feels like nothing
and nothing means anything
I think its out there but the minute i try to find it and i have it in my hands, a good reason, meaning, purpose, happiness
Its never enough
The emptiness is still there
Nothing can fill it up
The void inside is so heavy
Always pulling me back down. Call it gravity.
There is no reason justifiable enough to keep dragging myself through life. I play it out till im old and ill probably be looking back thinking what was it all for. Its better to cut the long story short.

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