Scene 10

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JANE(background voice): something more of authentic,raw and vulnerable.u might understand if ur pouring ur all into something just because it cant stay in anymore.its chocking you. You feel restless and when u finally express it, it comes out as art. And it lights a path out of the dark. I'm on the way up and up and out of the low. But it's not a nice feeling at all. It's like I'm going against everything inside me. Its too uncomfortable, im outside my comfort zone. Putting myself out there.

(The back gorund voice is behind the scenes happening)
(Scene changes to when they arrive at the festival.)
They're standing in this amazing setting that has umbrellas hanging upside down and lights hanging on leafless tree branches .it looks like a social event full of simple artistic sculptures and clothes with music filling the air.

Everything slows down and takes a magical dream like appearance.

One of the strangers she came with explains
Random: feels like a dream doesn't it. everyone in here is floating from reality, bearing theyr souls. Stripping to show whats inside.
Naked Soul festival.
As he motions with his arms to welcome her.
( as they maneuver through the crowd )

random: it's a voice event of all sorts .of poetry of spoken word,music, painters, sculptures, fashion displays. Any form of voicing ur soul

she was looking around in slow motion taking it all in

There were little platforms and people performing spoken words or showing theirs fashion designs and funitures to others.
people drawing and painting master pieces from scratch while others watched thier process.

Jane: it's beautiful.

But her attention was caught by this girl in a white gypsy dress.she had thick locs with charms in them that fell freely on her face. Like she was not bothered by her appaearnce and thats what made her captivating. Real bohemian.
Jane stopped and stared at her

Random:she looks like a bird resting on the ground before she takes to the skies.
doesn't she.
She heard One of the people she had come with say.
Jane walked closer completely drawn.
then the girl on stage bagan her show.

"my next piece is called free and once again my name is Melanie."

Jane: uve got to be kidding me(she whispers)
Random: what?
Jane: I have a thing for meeting people with that name lately.

Melanie:( Melanie's spoken word poem)
"Melanie shes the rain.
shes the wind.
shes the carefree.
shes the music.
Shes the thing that makes u want to live.truly.
shes striped of insecurities.
She is just who she is.
that girl.
Shes a thing of envy.
for those who wanna find themselves. Because she seemed to have found herself
then left herself to go live without the burden of being herself.
shes free of herself.
shes has no strings.
she defies gravity like they sing .
melanie is the air.
u breath her in and take her out but she stays there.
U can't trap her in ur lungs.
shes everywhere.
She fills the room .U don't bother her.
shes a child of the wind shes wild shes nature.
Shes free.

Jane walked to Melanie as if in a trans after she stepped off the small platform to introduced herself.

(jane talking to melanie)
Jane:hi that was amaizing .ur..ur words met me all the way to where I stand.
Melanie: (smiles)the naked souls will do that to you.

(Front wide shot into close up)
Jane wanted to ask her something but she got swallowed up by the crowd of people who wanted to talk to her as well and she was left there still staring with admiration in her eyes

(Ariel view from close up)
She stays in the event a while longer CHECKING OUT MUSICIANS PLAYing THEYR INSTRUMENTS JAMMING OUT.SHE WATCHES THE ARTISTS PAINT SHE WATCHES THE MODElS showcase theyr art until it gets dark.

(Scene shift side angle )
she goes with the guys from the grey truck before and they hitch another ride. one of those volks wagen hippie vans she sat at the back listening to them talk,freestyle. sing.make jokes.she was silent the whole time until she fell asleep

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