Scene 13

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(Close up of Jane's guy singing the first chorus of Galway gal in a nice little cabin social hall.)
It was a place where people could play life sized board games, chill connect, read. There was art on every corner and a homey feeling. He smiles at jane

(shot focused on jane)
as she taps her foot hanging off a tall bar stool and claps to the beat. Singing along giving him more hype.

(wide shot moving to the people in the room from various angles)
The lights are dim. everyone vibing and raising their glasses to him on stage While playing a couple of games. arm wrestling, pool, board games. moving pieces on the boards and winning celebrating the wining and joining in the song.

(Scene changes in a cartoony upside down effect)
Wobbly Shots of the group being silly. chasing eachother. its beautiful.she has a big goofy smile on .eyes closed arms up swaying her body to the beat.she looks happy being lost.

(Shot zooms in on the guy staring at jane)
(Front view of Janes guy walking toward jane)
when he gets to her, he pulls her by the hand and she comes twirling into his arms.
He twirls her out and pulls her back in.
the music goes low and they stare into eachother. Their lips lock in the heat of the moment and everything stops and slows down.

(intense chemistry moment)
After he pulls out of the kiss a nice goofy smile on theyr lips and they both start singing that silly last part of galway girl.joined in by everyone in the room and they laugh at the end.
Shaking theyr heads and making silly faces. They kiss again after the song ends.

JANE(background voice): I dont know why i get this feeling that It's not okay for people to see me pour myself like that. it feels like im naked vulnerable laying myself bare to be disected. like I'm somewhere locked up, fighting unseen demons, pushing n pulling in my mind. then I decide to stop that its dumb. No need to show or pour my heart

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