Scene 6

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Scene shifts to a bus stop
(Back angle)
she spots a bus stop a few steps ahead of her then reaches in her pocket and pulls out fifty shillings its all she has left. She shoves it back in her pocket and walks toward the bus stop sign. she holds herself in a tight hug rubbing her arms. she's freezing. Looking back like she shouldn't even be doing this in the first place but the bus arrives and she decides to walk in

(Shot inside the bus at the front row by the door)
She gets on the bus and looks for a seat at the back. She sits by the window in the third last row. She rubs her palms together and breaths into them for heat.

(side shot on the column she's seated)
she looks out the window and begins to zone out. A girl comes and sits next to her. she sits with a lot of energy. Like she jumps into the sit. Bouncing up and down trying to get comfortable. jane ignores it but she's looking rather bouncy and chatty. This girl looks at jane and smiles

JANE(background voice): it's not that life is hard or I hate myself. It's this feeling of being tired. It's this feeling of frustration that u have to get up and do it all over again and that it might get worse and u have to survive when it does.

(Front shot of Jane and the girl seated too close to her in the bus)

Melanie: Hi I'm Melanie I have a feeling ur just like me
Jane: yea?
Melanie: yea, you smell like bathroom sex but ur alone.

Jane looks offended and smells her clothes then brushes it off rolling her eyes.melanie looks like the type of people who talk a lot and invade your personal space.

Jane: I don't know what ur talking about
Melanie: yea and I don't talk to strangers either but here we are .(as shes smiling leaning up against jane.)

Jane gives her one last look like shes had enough of that. ignores her and turns her whole body toward the window to fall asleep.

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