Level - You Cheated

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You Cheated

I throw my fist at Sonic as he's dashing towards me. I feel lightweight again. That's when I knew I noclipped.

5 minutes

I had my eyes closed. But not anymore.

This place looks like a weird circuitry room... Only very destroyed and empty. There are wires around the place, knocked over chairs, and a bunch of slightly working computers.

I tried to get up, but I couldn't. My legs are simply too weak from all the constant running. I'll admit I was and currently am terrified. If I can't move any entity can catch up to me. But I have to get up. I can't die yet.

I slowly get up, my legs are still very weak. But I manage to stand on both of my feet. Barely standing up. My legs are wobbling a lot. But it's fine.. I'll be fine.

I look up, and the ceiling tiles are.... Declining. They're shortening and disappearing. Some faster than others. That was until I heard it. I heard them.

Is this that other level I was in? Where I had to run from a bunch of entities? I thought to myself.

Is this just another part of it? Am I back there? I hope not. In this state, I can't even walk straight. I'm over here limping. There's no way I can escape all these entities.

I head to the door keeping me in this room and quickly close it, (but not in a loud way of course). This seems like a pretty medium-sized area. I need to think of an escape. Wait... Level 27, this reminds me of level 27, I don't think I'm in that level, but maybe the exit is in one of the other rooms. But there's no way I could get there, I'm weak, and hundreds of entities are outside my room continually searching for me. It's weird because I literally just got here, it's been like less than 5 minutes and entities are already searching for me... Whatever, I need to get up and go. I survived this many entities like twice, I can do it a 3rd time. 3rd times the charm. Right..?

I look outside the door, there are entities around the place. I gotta plan.

"Ok so I got weak legs, I can't crawl I'll be too slow. So my only real option I can think of would be to just wait until my legs regain strength and then try sneaking by the entities."

If I'm being honest, I wasn't putting much thought into this plan, I was too scared to really think. Believe me when I tell you I was trying to recollect my thoughts and call down. But I couldn't, that eternally growing sense of fear and misconception outgrows me.

10 minutes

Ok now I'm really scared. The geometry of the level is collapsing. What do I mean by that you ask? (Even if you didn't,) the place is falling apart, even outside this room, everything is falling apart. I've narrowly avoided many ceiling tiles that have fallen over me, and the walls are falling apart, soon, I'll be visible to all entities outside of this room, I have to move, fast. Thankfully my legs are healing fast and I can get up without much struggle now, I'm able to at least speed walk, but not a full run. I have to think fast.

Ok the walls have fully fallen down, I know, not smart how I walked in circles thinking of what to do. But I mean what else could I have done? 

I could've at least tried to make it to another room. But now, it's pointless. All the rooms are crumbling and the ceiling tiles above me, thankfully, have fully fallen over. I'm currently running from a few entities. My plan is to group all the entities up so none sneak-attack me while I'm running. But what's weird is how I saw a few entities that were literally walking spider-like server boxes with like 4 legs that look like they can pierce metal. But I can't run for long, but at the same time there's nowhere to hide... I have to do something....

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