Level - You Win! Part 4

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We leave the nightclub and head up to the next room, and oh my gosh was it the best floor in this whole level.

The 5th floor was a dining room! Or a restaurant.


Some people are shaken by his screaming, others are smiling with a pleased face on.

We immediately dash to a table that has just enough chairs for everybody.

"This is literally the best level to exist in the history of the Backrooms." Leo says.

"Yeah," I say.

Ami meanwhile is looking around tense.

"Ami? What's wrong?" Leo asks.

"Ah, um, I'm just scared, that's all. What if that bartender noticed us and talked to my dad? Knowing my dad he'll send hundreds of troops after me once we finds out where I am. I don't want to put all these innocent wanderers at risk. We should go." Ami says.

"No, Ami, were not leaving. We just got here. I'm not getting up until I want to, and I currently don't want to. My legs are killing me from all this running." I tell her.

"Yeah, Ami, just stop thinking about it. I understand how you feel, but we can't keep having these sudden occurrences where we gotta leave for some weird or random reason." Leo says.

"But it's not for a weird or random reason, it's for a life-or-death reason! If we don't leave we'll be putting ourselves at risk! Also, weren't you the one who was worried about our safety? You were the one who was desperate for us to leave so we wouldn't let our guards down and get ambushed, and if you guys are injured, or worse, dead, I would feel like it would be my fault, I'm the one their after, I put you guys at risk when joining your side."

"Bro calm down. You were the one that was all for taking a break, now we have a break. We'll finish eating and then leave. Ok?"

"Yeah, Anne is right, (can I call you Anne?) You were the one who wanted a break, so were taking a break. We'll leave after we finish eating. It's a 2v1 you lost were staying."

"Make that a 3v1, :)." Elizabeth says with a smirk.

"I- fine, we'll stay, but we leave RIGHT after we eat."

"ok, yes ma'am. (And yes you can.)" I say.

Just as we finish talking, somebody else enters the restaurant, we all shrug it off until I take a double-take and realize who it was.

Suddenly, one of the employees comes up to us.

"Hello, what would you like today?" She says as she gives us a menu.

"Oh umm, I would like a caesar salad please." Leo says.

"Pizza for me." I say.

"I'll have umm, a burger and some fries." Ami says.

"I'll have the biggest bowl of ramen noodles known to man." Liz says.

"Ok! Your orders will be with you right in a bit." The employee says.

Leo and Elizabeth start talking to each other, Ami is sitting there quietly. The man I saw from earlier sat on the table close to the right of us. He looked like he was talking to someone on the phone. I can't hear him over the talking of other people near us. I inch a bit closer and only make out a few words.

"them.... beside.... 5.... disguise......"

I tried to get closer but he then realized I was eavesdropping on him. I heard a few more words from him.

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