Chapter Three

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Savannah POV 

I've been working for Sloan International for a year now and Damien and his sluts are crazy. I have a special diary dedicated to keeping up with all his sluts and what they like and dislike. His newest conquest, Sofia, is a royal pain in the butt. She is the definition of a bitch. They need to put her picture in the dictionary under the term bitch.

Speaking of the devil, there she was walking towards Damien's office. Damien told me not to disturb him or let anyone disturb him unless it's his mother but god how I am not going to slow his orders today. Sofia walks up to my desk and shoves her hand in my face, showing off her huge rock.

"You should stop dreaming about him. He's mine and only mine. As soon as I becomes Mrs. Solan I will make sure you are fired and the only work you will find in this town is to clean people's houses. That's what you are good for. Cleaning up trash." Her insults really hurt me. Since the Solan's are a powerful family. Sofia could ruin me if she wanted to.

I didn't respond to her. I am sick and tired of her insults and also those of Damien. I couldn't take this anymore. I didn't realize it but she walked into Damien's office. The realization hits when Damien's voice screams at me over the intercom. "Savannah, get your ass in here now!"

I got up from my desk and walked to his office. Damien and the woman he was having a meeting with were clearly fucking in here and Sofia caught him. I thought I would enjoy that look on Sofia's face, knowing she's not the only one but at the moment I was just sick and tired of it. Working here only gives me depression.

"What the fuck Savannah? You got one little job and you couldn't do it. All you had to do was to keep everyone the fuck out of here. And you can't even do so. You're so fucking useless." He was yelling at me while he was zipping his pants.

"You know what, Mr. Solan? Since you will be marrying Sofia here and as soon as she becomes your wife, she'll fire me. You know what, I quit." I yelled at the top of my lungs and marched out of there.

I went to my desk and picked up my stuff and left.

Damien POV

What the hell did I just hear? Did Savannah just say I am getting married to Sofia? Where the hell did she got that fucking stupid idea from? Then it dawned on me, Sofia.

"What the hell did you tell Savannah?" I yelled at Sofia.

"It doesn't matter what I told that fucking piece of shit of an assistant of yours. What the hell is going on here?" She raised her voice to me, completely forgetting who she was dealing with.

I launched towards her and pinned her to the wall. I grabbed her by the throat and started squeezing at it.

"What the hell did you tell her?" I asked her again. This time I looked her dead seriously in the eyes.

"I told her that we are engaged." She struggled to say and I let go of her neck.

"Why the hell did you tell her that?" I am so fucking annoyed by her at this point. I have no idea why I kept Sofia around. Oh… that's right, a slut that could suck my cock so good.

"Because I thought you were going to ask me. I know you were planning a surprise for me and with your work I thought you got too busy to buy me a ring so I got one myself." She showed me her finger and I started to laugh.

"Sofia, I am never going to marry you. You're just a cock sucking slut and that's all you're good at. You seriously think I was going to marry you. The surprise I had planned for you, is that I was going to present you to my friends to suck their cocks. I already finished with you." 

"You're a fucking bastard!" She yelled at me while knocking over everything on my desk.

"Sofia, I never lied to you. I was up front with you that all I want is just sex. You are the only one who thought you could tame the beast." I told her as I picked up my phone off the floor.

"You will burn in hell, you fucking bastard?" Sofia yelled and ran out of my office crying.

"Mattie, as you see I am a bastard, do you want to continue what he started here?" I asked her and he shook her head and left.

I was picking up my laptop when I heard footsteps at the door. It's probably one of the assistants.

"Don't just stand there, get your ass in here and help me clean up this mess." I shouted at whoever it was.

"You made that mess all by yourself, so you could clean it all up by yourself, son." His voice made me jump. I wasn't expecting my dad.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" I asked him as I went and sat at my empty desk.

"Do you mind telling me what happened to Savannah?" How did he know that something was up? Savannah literally just left.

"I don't know dad. She quit."

"You don't know? You treat that poor girl like crap. You insult her over and over again. And when you're not insulting her, that slut that you have. What's her name? Oh right Sofia insults her constantly. I expected her to quit a long time ago?" My dad's words stung me so badly. How did he know all that? Moreover, how didn't I know that Sofia was treating my Savannah that badly. I wanted to snap Sofia's neck so badly right now. 

"Dad, you don't have to worry about Sofia anymore. I am officially done with her. That girl is psycho."

"I want you to go and find Savannah and apologize to her and beg her to come back to work, or else it's your ass on the line." My dad warned me and left my office.

Of course I am going to find Savannah but what my dad doesn't know is that I am going to find her and make her mine. I am going to have her begging me to let me be mine.

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