Chapter Twelve

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Savannah POV

"Sweetheart?" My mother spoke softly, taking my gaze away from Damien. I turn around to see her coming up behind me in the dimly lit room. "You scared me and your father," she scolds, coming to a halt by the side of the bed. "We were worried sick about you, sweetheart." She reaches across the railing and wraps her arms around me, making breathing difficult and causing me to wince in pain.

"Mom, you came to New York?" I shriek.

"Of course, honey!"

"Easy," Damien grumbles from my side.

"Where is Dad?" When I asked her, she took a step back and I noticed my father standing behind her.

"Right here," my father says, choked up, and I can tell he's in a lot of pain. His eyes are bloodshot, and his hair is a tangled mess. "I will always be nearby at all times." My father approaches me, pressing his hand against my cheek and kissing my forehead before looking down at me.

"I was hit by a car," I say again, and his eyes close.

"Let's not get into that right now," Damien says, and I tilt my head to look at him, noticing his jaw twitching. Something I noticed when I mentioned getting hit the first time.

"How are you feeling, sweetheart?" My mother asked, resting her hand on my shoulder, and I turned back toward her, wincing in pain from the movement.

I believe I've been hit by a car, but I don't say anything because doing so always irritates Damien. "My head hurts a little," I rationalize. Actually, my head hurts and my hip hurts.

"You landed hard on your head. You needed eight stitches," my father explains, and I reach for my head, only to have Damien grab my wrist and stop me before I can feel for them.

"Savannah," the doctor greets her as she walks into the room. "I'm glad you're up. "How are you feeling?" she asks, looking at me before moving her gaze to the computer pad in her hand and typing something as she walks toward the bed where I'm lying.

"How long have I been out?" She shifts her gaze from the computer to mine as I frown.

"About 12 hours."

"How much time?" Damien held my hand, and I exhaled deeply. I was aware that I was unconscious, but being unconscious for that long is... terrifying.

"You're fine," she says softly, drawing in closer and forcing my parents to back up.

"You have a small acute subdural hematoma that requires observation." As she speaks, my grip on Damien's hand becomes tighter. "Do you mind if we ask you a few questions?" She inquired, completely unaware that my insides are congealing with worry.

"Sure," I say quietly, and she smiles before turning to face a man I hadn't noticed before.

"Dr. Hinds," she introduces him, and he smiles softly as she hands him the pad. "While I examine your wound and vital signs, he will ask you some questions."

"All right, let's see how it goes." Dr. Hinds tests my knowledge of current events and the people in the room, while Dr. Gilmore examines my injuries and then takes my pulse.

"You'll be fine," Dr. Gilmore assures, before removing a pair of latex gloves and depositing them in a trash can near the bed. "I'll let you go home." Dr. Hinds quietly exits the room, and she smiles.

"Are you hundred percent sure she is in good enough health to return home? I don't want anything to go wrong for her." Damien interrupts her, and the doctor looks at him.

"I'm sure, or I wouldn't be releasing her," says the doctor, "but if she becomes nauseous, dizzy, or has a headache that lasts more than a few hours, she'll need to come back for a CT scan."

"I think it's best if she stays here in case something happens." He says as he squeezes my hand.

"Damien," I mumble. I understand his concerns, but I'm not going to stay in the hospital if I don't have to.

"I think Damien is right. "I believe you should stay," my father says, and I huff and close my eyes.

"Not you too, Dad! Please, please, please don't even start."

"There's no reason for her to stay. She has no memory loss and all of her vital signs are normal." Dr. Gilmore says softly, peering between the two dominant men in my life,

I'm eager to return home. "I want to sleep in my own bed," I tell Damien, who frowns. I can tell he's unhappy; I can see he's torn between giving me what I want, having his way, and keeping me here until he's sure I'm okay.

You will need to be woken up every four hours tonight. For a few days, no driving or drinking." Dr. Gilmore told me.

"We'll take her home with us and make sure she wakes up," Dad says, and Damien's jaw tightens as he tightens his grip on my hand.

"Over my dead body," he grits his teeth, his gaze fixed on my father across the bed.

"I can make that happen," Dad growls back, my eyes welling up. You're just her boss. She'll be staying with us at home. Even being hit by a car can't bring my father and Damien closer. Damien is not someone my father would choose for me.

"You two need to stop right now. Take a look at what you've done," As Mom hisses and points at me, both my father's and Damien's eyes soften and drop to me in the bed. "Follow me now, both of you," she stomps toward the front door. My father leans in for a kiss on my cheek before following her and shaking his head.

"I'll be right there." Damien sighs and leans in to kiss my brow as tears stream down my cheeks. "Could you please stop crying?" "Everything is in working order."

"Okay," I agree, trying to fight back my tears.

"Good girl, I'll be right out there." He softly kisses me before following my parents out of the room, where I hear my mother yell.

"Matt Waverley, if someone tried to take me away from you while I was injured, you'd lose your mind, so give Damien a break!" And Damien, Savannah is Matt's daughter. Of course, he's worried about his little girl, so consider that and stop being a jerk."

God, I love my mom.

"You're a lucky girl to have so many people who care about you," Dr. Gilmore says, startling me. I had completely forgotten she was still present.

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