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Draco pov

My parents were on their way from Scotland and honestly that made me nervous, my father had accompanied my mother and that had never and will never be a comforting thought. He's always hated Astoria, only tolerating her because she was a pureblood. Damn, I am already talking about her in past tense. I had moved from the foyer to the library on the second floor, it had always been where I went when I either needed a safe space, some peace or just wanted to read. I heard the doorbell ring and went downstairs, my mother came in the door and quickly embraced me in a comforting hug while whispering in my ear that everything was going to be okay. My father walked in the door not even a minute later carrying Scorpius on his arm, in that moment he actually looked like a father. He'd done the same when I was a kid but after the toddler period he turned cold, now that Scorpius was here he was back to his "warm" self which I've never met before but always heard my mother talk about.

"How are you Draco?" My mother asked while holding my face.

"My wife just died before my eyes so I'm not perfectly good at the moment." I said while crossing my arms. I looked down at my son who was currently in my father's arms, he smiled at me and started grabbing the air trying to reach for me. I went to my father's side and carefully took Scorpius from his arms, i held him to my side bouncing him lightly as he slowly drifted off to sleep. As soon as Scorpius was asleep my father took him back bringing him to his crib in my room. I just watched him walk up the stairs and come back down after a couple minutes, not really registering my mother talking to me or Harry come out of the kitchen with Teddy. I just stood there, paralyzed maybe?

"Where is Astoria?" My mother asked me bringing me back from my thoughts.

"And what is Mr. Potter and his wolf-spawn doing here?" My father continued glaring at Harry and Teddy who glared right back at him. It became kind of a staring contest between my father and Teddy who clearly didn't appreciate being called a wolf-spawn.

"Harry and Teddy were here when she died, actually Neville Longbottom told Teddy that his wife Luna had warned him that Astoria would die today." I explained to them making both of them confused.

"How you Longbottom's wife know Astoria would die?" My father asked not able to make sense of it.

"Because Luna is a seer." Harry answered for me, my father didn't look amused in any way and kept his cold gaze towards the two "outsiders"  as he liked to call anyone without the noble Black blood or the noble Malfoy blood.

"I've heard about your little pureblood / black blood / malfoy blood supremacy and I'll let you know that I do in fact have Black blood running through my veins, I am 25% Black after all making me your wife's sister's grandkid." Teddy said turning to my mother who looked a little surprised at the fact that her shunned sister's grandkid was standing here in her former house.

"We can talk about why you are here later, the mediwitch is at the gate so we have to focus on Astoria right now." My mother said making her way to the front door, we all followed her in a tense silence. 

The Mediwitch was so calm about the situation which really helped as I had no idea what to with myself, she told us we had to pick a coffin but until then she would take the body to the morgue at St. Mungo's. After she had left with the body my parents called a priest and a funeral planner to get everything in order for the funeral, we decided it would be the following Friday. The priest left and we went over the invite list for the funeral and who were to come to the Manor after for some food, as of right now it read;

All that could prove they knew and were friends with Astoria were invited for the funeral but for the meal after it was only;

Daphne Greengrass, Mr. and Ms. Greengrass, My parents and Scorpius of course, Harry Potter, Teddy Lupin, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Luna Lovegood, Ginny Weasley and my Grandfather Abraxas Malfoy.

Ginny and Luna were only invited because they were once best friends with Astoria and she held them close until she died.

When all the planners and other people had left it was only my parents, Harry, Teddy and I left. My mother continuously thanked Harry for being there when it happened and my father even talked to Teddy for a bit. I had sent Astoria's parents and her sister a letter to tell them the sad news and tell them when the funeral was going to be. In a matter of hours everything was planned, invites sent out, room cleaned and both coffin and gravestone was ordered. She was going to be buried at the cemetery we had all the way furthest down in the garden, it was tradition. Her gravestone would have both the Greengrass seal and Malfoy seal since she had been both, weirdly it felt like she wasn't even dead, just not here at the moment. Once we were done planning everything my parents decided to stay with me in their old room, Father had been quite sceptic letting Harry take Scorpius to his home but after he saw how well-behaved Teddy was and knew he had two more boys around the same age he eventually agreed to it, even though his opinion didn't really matter.

My parents stayed in the living room with Teddy as me and Harry went to my room to grab Scorpius along with his things, an awkward silence filled the room as i went around to grab both some clothes for Scorpius, his pacifier which he could never go anywhere without, his stuffed stag and snake he had picked out himself. I packed it it all into his Louis Vuitton bag with his initials "SHM" that Astoria had gotten him before he was even born, she had always made sure we had more than we needed. 

I placed the bag along with an awaking Scorpius in Harry's arms, Scorpius looked up at Harry with his sleepy doe eyes with a smile which Harry returned.

"I think he likes me." Harry said while adoring the little boy in his arms. Harry grabbed the snake plushie from Scorpius' bag and handed it to him, the boy clung to the plushie as if his life counted on it.

"Scorp, you'll be staying with Harry a couple days yeah?" I told the small boy who nodded understandingly, he was only three years old but he understood most of what you told him already.

"Je t'aime mon cher." I told him in french while pressing a kiss to his forehead, he giggled as he reached for my hand.

"Thank you Harry, send me an owl if anything happens." I told Potter as he held my only son and last living part of Astoria in his arms.

"Of course Draco, you can visit Grimmauld Place anytime if you want to see him before you take him back." Harry said to which I simply nodded.

We walked down the stairs, Harry said his goodbyes along with Teddy and soon they were out the door heading home. My parents insisted that we talked about how we felt for the first time in their lives and made me sit for hours on end eating ice cream while talking about all the memories with Astoria, believe me when I say that i have never cried that much in front of my father before but surprisingly he didn't judge or tell me to "man up". For once we just sat there comforting each other like a real family and it felt really fucking nice.

Word Count: 1340

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