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3rd person pov

"Order in the court!" Shacklebolt spoke making the whole room go silent, everyone waited full of anticipation to find out what exactly went wrong between their beloved golden couple as they hadn't told anyone much.

"We are gathered here today for the opening of the battle of custody between Ginevra Molly Weasley and Harry James Potter regarding the boys James Sirius Potter, age six and Albus Severus Potter, age three." Shacklebolt said facing Harry and Ginny, behind him a smaller jury sat who in the end would make the decision about who would get custody over the children.

Harry looked over at Ginny who shot him a cold glare, she was dressed in black jeans with a nice lilac shirt along with an open black jacket.

Harry was dressed in one of Sirius' old suits which consisted of black dress pants, jacket and vest. His dress shirt was white along with a scarlet tie, some would say he dressed like a lord.

"Harry Potter has requested full custody of your two children with Ms. Weasley following your divorce, care to tell the jury why?" Shacklebolt said making Harry stand up and walk to the microphone provided for him.

"I have requested full custody of my children for multiple reasons, the most important to me is that she has time after time let the boys down and neglected their feelings." Harry spoke into the microphone, chatter in the audience stands followed his statement.

"Silence in the stands. Ginevra Weasley has denied this wish, why?" Shacklebolt spoke and now Ginny walked up to her microphone.

"I feel that the fact that i birthed these boys give me right to have custody of them, I also see that Harry's position as Head Auror makes him unable to fully take care of our kids on his own." Ginny spoke looking fully confident.

"And what do you have to say to that Mr. Potter?" Shacklebolt turned to Harry waiting for his reply.

"Firstly, Ginny has more than one time let our boys down for example when our oldest James had his sixth birthday we were all waiting for Ginny to come home only to find out she thought that a manicure was more important, she wasn't there at Albus' third birthday either because she was out cheating and finally she thinks that her having pretty clothes is more important than her youngest having diapers." Harry spoke with a stone cold expression.

"Do you have any witnesses to any of these claims?" Shacklebolt asked, Ginny stood there absolutely furious at Harry for saying stuff like that about her. Harry looked at her and smirked before asking Dean to step forward, the horror in Ginny's face is a sight one will take long to forget.

"Could you please state your name and your reason for being here?" Shacklebolt asked, he was visibly a little surprised on how prepared Harry was but he did have experience with how the ministry ran things.

"My name is Dean Thomas and i'm here as a witness to tell that Ginny did in fact cheat on Harry with me." Dean said trying to avoid the judging glares coming from the audience.

"And why would you do that when you knew she was married?" Shacklebolt asked while trying to keep his own emotions and opinions at bay.

"I was half drunk and alone, at the time I wasn't in a relationship. She was also half drunk and basically threw herself at me talking about how we could start again after being a couple back in school." Dean explained, his statement got mixed reactions from the audience. Molly Weasley stood up in anger screaming that Dean was a liar, the rest of the Weasleys tried to calm her down and after a couple of minutes with chaos everything was silent again.

"What do you have to say to that Ms. Weasley?" Shacklebolt looked at her with a look that would kill if it could.

"I say that Harry has paid both me and Dean to lie and therefore you can't trust what he's saying." She said trying to defend herself, she did it badly though seeing that no one, except her mother, to believe her.

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