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Harry pov

I was still in shock, I knew Ginny could be a little extreme at times but this was a whole new level. The boys, except Teddy, couldn't understand why their mother wasn't with them and I felt so bad for them but also mad at Ginny for doing something like that when she has two kids depending on her. The Malfoys had been nice to offer us somewhere to stay where reporters couldn't reach us, all the boys had gotten rooms too. But what would you except in a Manor with over 20 extra bedrooms? I had put Albus in my room while Teddy and James shared a room right beside the one I had gotten. Draco had been cuddling Scorpius ever since it happened, Draco had already said it wasn't my fault but i still felt bad.

The two older Malfoys were currently discussing how they were gonna get Ginny a fitting sentence for almost trying to kill their only grandkid while I was thinking how I could get full custody over the boys, yet if she got a sentence that would be easy enough. Some might say I'm a bit selfish for not wanting her to have custody of our kids but she's just too unpredictable.

I had gotten all my boys on the couch with me and right now we were just talking about everything and nothing at the same time. Teddy told me about all the things they were doing at Hogwarts and it was nice that his school life didn't include as many threats, criminals and dangerous animals as mine did. He also told me that Hagrid was about to retire and that Charlie Weasley was planning to come home from Romania to apply for the job. 

That both excited me and annoyed me, I was happy that Charlie was finally coming home again but the timing couldn't be worse. He was actually the only one except George that knew that Ginny had cheated and that was the reason for our divorce and luckily they both understood why I didn't want to be married to a cheater.

"Are you even listening?" Teddy hit me in my side as he pouted angrily.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I said as he dramatically sighed making the Malfoys chuckle from the couch on the other side of their huge living room.

"Bill and Fleur moved back from France as you know already meaning their kids will go to Hogwarts instead of Beauxbatons and since Victoire is 10 now she'll start next year!" Teddy said excitedly, Victoire had always been his favorite cousin even though they weren't really related. It was actually kind of a funny situation because Teddy didn't view Ginny as his mom but he viewed all her relatives as his too. 

"Well that's exciting, how is school going in general?" I asked him after realising I actually didn't know how his grades were, if anything had happened or just basic things. It wasn't really a good excuse but i've just been too busy to ask.

"Professor Longbottom said I've got talent for Herbology and Professor Binns says he hasn't had such a devoted student since Aunt 'mione was there." Teddy said proudly before he continued:

"I also visited the old corridor they transformed to a memorial for all the fallen heroes in the war, Uncle Fred hangs beside my parents so I visited them both as soon as it opened. Dad cried when he saw me, mom was happy and Fred wanted to know all about what George was doing." Teddy said while visibly remembering all the details, he went on to talk about what his parents looked like and how he was proud to be a metamorphmagus like his mother and to naturally have his father's hair. Teddy kept talking about Hogwarts and what he was doing while i slowly zoned out thinking about Remus, my father and Sirius.. Damn, it's been so long..
A specific thing Teddy mentioned brought my attention back.

"What did you say?" I asked him quickly.

"Fred told me that he had visited his painting in the burrow and heard Molly say that Ginny had told her that you had paid her to say she cheated so that you guys could separate without having to explain that you've fallen out of love." He explained making my blood heat up.

"Unlucky for her, i wingmanned Dean and Seamus after she cheated so he'll definitely testify in court that she did cheat." I said not caring anymore, but Ginny saying that to her family may lead to problems.

"I know you loved the woman but to be honest i never gave a damn about her, only about her family since they were James' and Albus' family too." Teddy said brutally honest.

The Malfoys had left the living room some time ago so right now it was just my little family and I in here, they said they were going to figure out some food.

Draco entered the living room again a couple minutes later holding Scorpius to his side, he put Scorpius down on the fluffy rug that laid under the two couches, the armchair and the sofa table. I took the hint and put Albus down with him, James was sleeping while holding a pillow close and of course Teddy sat bright and awake beside me.

"Do you know how these trial things go? I was at father's back then but it was about something else and the court had convicted him before he even entered the courtroom." Draco said while looking really unsure and uncomfortable.

"I suspect there'll be two, the one over the incident with Scorpius and one regarding our kids. She's convinced that even if she gets convicted they'll spare her because of her kids." I said sighing at my bad choice in wife, i really hated my past self right now for choosing her but i'm also grateful for her because she gave me my wonderful kids.

"She deserves to rot in Azkaban for what she tried to do to Scorpius, he could've been killed!" Draco spat getting more and more upset by the second.

"I'm sorry to break it to you Draco, but you only get sent to Azkaban if you're a serious danger to society, have actually killed someone or you use one of the three unforgivables. Any other illegal thing you'll maybe get send to The Ruins, The Nuclear Power Plant, The Substation or maybe even Nurmengard." I told him, he looked confused a bit before remembering they were the prisons that were used under the Death Eater ministry and were still used but in a more human way now.

"My wife just died Harry! And she almost took my kid away from me too!" Draco said sounding desperate, he buried his head in his hands and I could hear he started to cry a bit. Right on cue the older Malfoys came back, they understood the situation almost immediately and took our places with the kids letting us go somewhere else.

I let Draco lead me somewhere in the house and we ended up in the library, if not for the situation i would've probably appreciated the beautifully decorated library more than I did at the moment.
Draco sat down in a couch that stood facing a huge window showing the garden outside, i sat down beside him and he immediately buried his head in my chest while crying heavily.

"It'll be okay, you don't have to be fine right now. People won't judge you for crying over losing your wife when it's only 2 days ago, everyone with feelings will understand." I said while playing softly with his hair. He started to calm his breath and the tears slowly stopped falling. He looked up meeting my eyes, he sniffled as he sat up straight.

"I'm sorry, I don't know why i'm this emotional." Draco said as he wiped away his tears.

"I do, you lost someone special and emotions from your whole childhood are spilling out in enormous amounts." I said, he gave me a confused look before shaking his head in disbelief.

We just sat there looking out the window for about half an hour until James came running into the library, he ran to me and jumped in my arms. I scooped him up holding him as he started rambling about something.

"Woah woah little guy, try again, slower." I said while trying not to laugh at his frustrated expression when I didn't understand him.

"Cissy said we can go swim!" He said loudly while trying to wiggle out of my grasp in excitement.

I turned to Draco with a confused expression before asking; "Do you guys have a pool?" to which he simply nodded. 

Word Count: 1440

𝐶ℎ𝑜𝑖𝑐𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝑅𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑏𝑜𝑤𝑠Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ